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Recent content by dexter

  1. Triple Ink on FB700

    We've recently had a customer bring in some panels of glass that they'd like to have us reproduce for them. From what they're telling us, their previous, American supplier, had used a triple pass of ink to get the desired opacity. Is there any way to do this on the FB700? We're currently...
  2. creating magnetic 4'x8" boards

    We've done plenty of magnetic dry erase boards over the years. We cut boards to the size needed, order thin sheet metal from a local metal works place, glue the sheet metal on to the board and allow to dry over night then apply white vinyl lammed with dry erase laminate and finally use metal...
  3. Beer Label Design

    I couldn't even finish reading the majority of the critique in this thread... everything from brussels sprouts to a brain to not liking a green hop? The laces facing the wrong way? This a beer label not a photo of the Super Bowl kick off. Talk about a bunch nonsense criticism. Any one who is...
  4. What is the name of the cross cut blade on an XC-540

    Are you referring to the sheet cut blade? If so, it should look as follows: To change it you simply need to unscrew a small knob on the front of the sheet cut mechanism (to the left of the cut carriage) and slide the blade upwards and remove. Stick the new blade to the small magnet and slide...
  5. Printing on XR-640 then Cutting on XC-540

    Will do! Thanks again.
  6. Printing on XR-640 then Cutting on XC-540

    To be honest I don't think I specifically mentioned that to the tech as I was used to saving rips all the time and loading them between the 540's with no issues (didn't even factor in that issues may occur between models) - my fault for assuming that Roland crop marks are Roland crop marks. I...
  7. Printing on XR-640 then Cutting on XC-540

    Hey all, We had our new XR-640 installed yesterday to add to our two XC-540's. I was hoping to basically designate the 640 to printing only and have one of our 540's to the majority of the cutting (the other 540 would do a bit of both). I printed a small job on the 640 and saved the rip. I...
  8. XC-540 Scan motor error.

    This just saved me this morning as well, thanks a ton! :notworthy:
  9. XC-540 Encoder Issues?

    Long story short, and after much back and forth with a tech today, you were correct about the sensor. It seems to be on its way out and will be replaced anyways but cleaning it has at least got the machine up and running for now. The print/cut alignment was off as well as the actual printing...
  10. Your business card sucks!

    Forgive me for rehashing a dead thread but... This couldn't sound more backwards to me. To say that a business card is merely a piece of paper with your contact info on it so you don't have to write it down with a pen is nonsense. The way I see it, this is akin to saying a customers sign...
  11. XC-540 Encoder Issues?

    About a week or two ago now we began having issues with one of our XC-540's. It looks as though we were having encoder issues as the print alignment was pretty out of whack and prints tended to "drift" all over the media. We replaced the encoder strip and that seemed to remedy the issue until...
  12. New Member from Barrie, Ontario

    Hey everyone, Just thought I'd introduce myself - I got my start in signage a little over 5 years ago after getting an Honours Diploma in Graphic Design from Georgian College. My college design co-op lead to full time employment doing sign production which then turned into installation, then...