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Search results

  1. Grind/Squeaky noise at the print head mimaki jf1631

    It sounds like your Linear Bearings are shot. Stop running it till you change them or you will have to change your rails to
  2. Mimaki JFX 1631 Plus Flatbed Printer Problems

    I have a manual but I up graded the FW to 2.7 but in the book it says to up grade the Sub FW. Where can i get that
  3. Mimaki JF1631 Flat Bed Printer?

    JFX 1631Plus Print is second to none. Just hard to find people who know how to repair them there old.
  4. Mimaki JFX 1631 Plus Flatbed Printer Problems

    I'm having a problem with my printer. I keep getting a (system halt Error 811:FW/SIO read) Can anyone HELP me out