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Search results

  1. Seeking employment in New Orleans area

    I am a owner of a small sign business in the Gulfport, MS area. I'm looking to relocate to New Orleans. I have almost 10 years of experience in all aspects of the sign industry. Including, but not limited to: sales, design, manufacturing, installation, and customer service. I am skilled in...
  2. Scrolling signs - looking for dealer recommendations

    Howdy all, I'm looking for dealers of scrolling type signs. I found Zuni, but I need a few more. Any recommendations? Thanks all, Brent
  3. Exterior safe "popcorn" texture?

    Thanks guys, I'll check those out!
  4. Exterior safe "popcorn" texture?

    Howdy all, got a question I hope someone here can answer. I'm painting a faux monument style sign, and I want to add some texture to it. Now I've noticed there are other signs in my area, where the sign maker put a "popcorn" type texture on the poles, base, etc. Problem is, I can't figure...
  5. Where to get custom printed flags?

    Howdy all, I have a good customer of mine who wants a flag with their logo on it to display on their boat. Anyone know of a wholesale flagmaker that does one-off prints? Thanks,
  6. Asked to do presentation about signs for advertising, need some advice!

    Thanks for all the suggestions folks. The presentation turned out a little different than I thought. For one, 20 people did *not* show up. Due to stuff like understaffing and the flu, only 4 daycare directors were able to attend. And, I only had to present along with Direct Mail, and Radio...
  7. Asked to do presentation about signs for advertising, need some advice!

    Thank you all so much for the great ideas! I'm a lot calmer after I talked to the chairwoman of the group, and your suggestions have given me a lot of "meat" to talk about. I'll let you know how it goes!
  8. Asked to do presentation about signs for advertising, need some advice!

    Howdy all, A customer of mine recently invited me to give a presentation to a business group (day care centers) she chairs. The meeting is about increasing your revenues through advertising. She's invited someone from TV, radio, magazine, internet, and newspaper. She wants me to represent...
  9. Looking for "Gulf Dev" changeable letters???

    Thanks! I'll give them a call
  10. Looking for "Gulf Dev" changeable letters???

    Howdy all, I recently had a customer ask if I could order her some changeable copy sliding track letters. Looking at the letters she has, they are 6 1/8" panel height, and 5 3/8" letter height. On the bottom they say "Gulf Dev" as the manufacturer. Obviously, Pronto and Wagner Zip don't...
  11. Do dimensions on a pan faced sign change when formed?

    Howdy all, I'm looking at ordering a pan faced sign for customer. I'm sourcing the acrylic myself, and looking for a subcontractor to vacuum form the pans for me. What I wanted to know was, if I start with a 5' x 5' sheet, will the dimensions change ( i.e. become larger ) when formed on...
  12. Design off 5... The Entries

    Ya know what's really sad about this thread? That I'm looking at all these designs and going: " You know, that's a really cool business idea ". And I'm not even drinking beer right now.
  13. Flexi - Ease of use???

    Totally off topic, but GoodGirl, I love your Avatar! Where did you get it? Sorry about the :thread
  14. need info

    Whisper, Where you at in Mississippi? Down by the coast?
  15. Where to find CoCut on U.S. site for sale?

    Do you know if it supports the Roland GX / CX -24? I'm looking into upgrading into a "big boy" cutter soon, and I figured I might as well price out other software as well. Techman, I actually picked up the hint on CoCut from you. I had researched a bit on WinPCSign, and found your comments...
  16. Where to find CoCut on U.S. site for sale?

    Can somone direct me to a U.S. website where they have CoCut for sale? The only thing I've found on Goggle had it in Euros, and my German is not up to par (page was in German ?).
  17. Is there dangers with buying used Flexi pro 7.6 v2?

    So let me get this straight: If I attempt to save myself a few hundred dollars buying a used copy of Flexi on Ebay, and it comes with the dongle, I'll be screwed? Sounds almost like SAI doesn't want people holding onto old copies of the software.
  18. Hello from Central Texas

    Welcome from South Central Texas! So are you expanding into signs, or sticking with screenprinting garments only?
  19. can I varnish over vinyl lettering and which vinyl would be best?

    My advice - don't. I used Spar Urethane on vinyl many moons ago. What it did is unmentionable. ( Ok, it looks like crap now. The vinyl is all cracked and shrunk )