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Search results

  1. Hovering Clients

    I don't really mind when folks watch me working. I guess that being an old-school sign painter before I somehow morphed into a vinyl-slinger prepared me for the spectators. Lettering boats on the dock always drew a crowd. Same with hand lettering storefront windows. But the mahl stick was good...
  2. Suggestions Newby needing something to do

    If you think you have headaches now, just wait 'til you have customers....
  3. First Signcraft magazine

    Hi Colin - Is that the issue with an interview with Ross Ireland? I think I still have that one kickin' around here somewhere also.
  4. Masking tape

    I like 3m blue - the green is harder to tear off the roll one handed when you are applying.
  5. Robert's First Town Hall Meeting

    If you are not familiar with Poutine, you will never know true love. It has a months worth of calories and cholesterol all in a single bowl.
  6. Robert's First Town Hall Meeting

    No Worries! I haven't been back there since 1972, so I imagine a few things have changed.
  7. Robert's First Town Hall Meeting

    I grew up there so I know how you feel. But they did invent Poutine.
  8. Liquid lam problem

    We don't have problems with transfer tape causing clearshield to separate from the print as long as we print on matte vinyl. I don't print latex though, we only have an eco-sol machine.
  9. Robert's First Town Hall Meeting

    "We're Vancouver area based, second largest city in Canada." I'm pretty sure Vancouver is Canada's Third largest city, after Toronto and then Montreal. Just sayin'....
  10. How do you charge for cut decals?

    I don't think charging by the document perimeter makes much sense. If two different clients are in your shop and one wants the Lords Prayer in Old English in a 1 sq ft panel and the other asks for the word "NO" in arial in the same size panel, do they each pay the same price?
  11. Amateur banner question

    Mit Sauerkraut? I know him. He was in my Remedial English class back in high school.
  12. Bull Crap of the day

    I am sorry i can't help with your printing issue, but your thread title sums up post #2 perfectly.
  13. Thank you, Mr. Benguiat!

    I wonder what he would have had to say about "modern typestyle designers" like the guy responsible for comic sans or the genius behind bleeding cowboys.
  14. Discussion Not sure I'm thinking correctly.........................

    This customer is the type you should try to hang on to IF you have NO other jobs at all, and maybe not even then. If he is messing up other scheduled tasks then fire him and feel good about it!
  15. Question Here on Signs101 are there any sign makers that still use brushes and paints?

    I mix cut vinyl, printed vinyl, and 1Shot all the time. Mostly I use handpainting to shadow or highlight cut vinyl text now. A hand painted element really can add the "human feel" to an otherwise sterile sign. And I can get those element on the sign faster than digitizing,cutting, weeding and...
  16. Question Artwork ownership

    This thread remined me of some drama that played out here on S101 a bunch of years ago. I had designed and lettered a clients vehicles for a number of years when a new signmaker in town approached him and told him he could letter his trucks and excavators for less than I was charging. He...
  17. Discussion I was thinking........................ uh-oh

    I think you are trying to get into the business too quickly, without paying the necessary dues. Maybe take a job as a Pool-Boy for a couple of seasons first. You know, to get your feet wet, so to speak. Also, how do you look in a speedo?
  18. List - Magnets that don’t stick

    These can also lose magnetics at highway speeds.
  19. List - Magnets that don’t stick

    Ski boats are notorious for having magnetics fall off.
  20. What would you have quoted for this boat vinyl + install?

    I do a lot of boats. I did 3 boats just yesterday. Two were in the water and 1 was indoors at a yacht factory we regularly do work for. Simple 1 colour jobs are priced at $320 (Canadian) for transom only, and it goes up considerably if multiple colours, shadows and outlines are involved. Add...