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Search results

  1. script I can't find

    I only have this poor quality scan of this script typeface to go by. If anyone recognizes this I would be grateful for the help.
  2. Just removed a 4x4 decal off a brand new ford f150 and....

    You know how people on this site are always saying to wait a few days after painting before applying vinyl? Maybe the decal guy at Ford doesn't read those posts.
  3. Best Print Method For Gym Padding

    I lettered these post covers a couple seasons ago and they seem to be holding up fine. I used paint mask for the letters and sprayed them with Krylon Fusion rattle can paint. The logos are Avery 900 series printed and laminated.
  4. What a tornado does to ACM

    That's nothin', you should see what our shipping company can to to ACM.
  5. How does this fly...no pun intended

    Gino - Litter-ally is a word used to describe a situation where the spelling is correct, but the job looks like trash on the highway.
  6. Ph # font

    Thanks Doc, I really appreciate your help. You are a big part of what makes this site so valuable.
  7. Ph # font

    Anyone know what typeface was used for this phone number? I know I used to have it's from a job I did more than 10 years ago. I have scrolled thru thousands of font this morning and I can't locate it. Thanks for looking.
  8. Do you warranty your signs?????????????

    I mentioned in a post a while back that at my old shop we had a warranty line painted across the asphalt at the end of our driveway.
  9. Need Help i know its been asked before please has anyone got sp300 service manual

  10. sp300 cleaning schedule

    Hi All - Recently I had our Roland tech install a new print head in my ancient SP300. After getting it working properly he left for an extended vacation in the Phillipines, so I can't ask him how to restore the daily automatic cleaning the machine used to perform every 12 hours or so. I've...
  11. One for me...

    That is exceptionally nice. Is it signfoam?
  12. Bubble Cube Van layout?

    I'd snap a stringline down the box aligned with the the bottom of the passenger/driver window and work off of that.
  13. Car magnets falling off when cold?

    Looking at the photo of those mags the issue is obvious, the design has a connection to ground.
  14. Logo Idea

    I'm just not feelin' the one with the truck. Maybe a local landmark instead of the whole state. And lose the phone number for a logo design.
  15. What would you charge

    I would charge my hourly shop rate but the travel charge from British Columbia is gonna be a killer. You are closer so you can underbid me.
  16. Shop Hours

    I may have posted this before, but this is on the front door to my shop.
  17. Cricut "Competitors"

    Thanks Arlo for the inspiration. As another "old school" brush brother who can see the retirement light at the end of the tunnel, I am glad to see you found an outlet for your skills. I look forward to hauling my printer and laminator to the dump in a year or two, but I'll keep my brushes...
  18. painting perforated vinyl

    I have painted lots of vinyl using Krylon Fusion spray cans. We used to do all kinds of fades and krinkle effects on cast vinyl before we got a printer.
  19. Question What type of material to Create Helicopter (or Aviation) N numbers?

    I've lettered many helicopters and aircraft using high performance cast vinyl, usually Avery 900 series. Never had an issue of any sort.