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Search results

  1. Need Help BEST Software or add on to VECTORIZE LOGO

    I agree with Bob that the trace feature on Corel 18 is really quite good. A big improvement on earlier versions.
  2. font id please

    Somehow I knew you'd know. Thanks.
  3. font id please

    I've tried and searched the online finders but no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated. This is a from a cleaned up and vectorized tiny smudge they sent me to work from. They need some more text added to their design.
  4. Painter Sign

    Maybe he didn't do it himself, he might have hired Steve.
  5. Suggestions Is there a choice............ ??

    I've done many trucks in that condition. Most trucks I get look like that. I scuff the surface with a 3m abrasive pad clipped onto a square palm sander. Wipe it down with wax and grease remover and paint it with a foam roller. I use General Paint Marine Enamel, and I put a bit of acrylic...
  6. Discussion Pre 1980 brushwork of all kinds.......................

    Not sure if it's pre 1980 but these are some pics of painted jobs I did quite a while ago.
  7. font ID needed

    Amazing, less than 3 minutes for the Win! Thanks Signosaurus. I have a font called Posse but it's a highly condensed western slab serif face. I'll buy Posada later today.
  8. font ID needed

    I tried WTF but no luck. I scrolled thru 3500 installed fonts, same luck. I'm sure I have this one in the system but it's hiding really deep. Any help is appreciated. Thanks for lookin'...
  9. What kind of work vehicle do you use?

    Thanks, Decalman. I like to think less can be more. Signwise and carwise...
  10. What kind of work vehicle do you use?

    Being a 1 man shop, I don't do any complicated installs so I don't need a bucket truck or a big van. I only need room for me and a few tools and my brush kit. I used the Jeep for many years but it's cold in the winter so I just use half a car now.
  11. "Warranty" for truck lettering

    At my old shop we had a warranty line painted across the asphalt at the end of our driveway.
  12. desktop signs

    I think it's white cut vinyl on red Sintra, bent with an element heat bender.
  13. Still doing some stuff 'Old School'

    That is really nicely done. Did you just lightly stabillo a few rough guide lines on the panel before dipping your brush or did you computer generate a pattern? I gotta break out my brushes and revisit my "old school" more this year.
  14. Wall Mural Quote and Method

    "if this wall gets any sun it is going to start looking pretty crappy before long." I think it must have gotten a lot of sun already then.
  15. What should I do on the shop car?

    Maybe something simpler says more sometimes.
  16. Let the printer sit idle?

    I leave my sp300 idle for a couple weeks quite often. A medium clean is usually all it needs to get back up and running. Maybe you could just plug in a small oil filled heater underneath your machine set on low in case we get a real cold snap.
  17. Cutting down stickers

    Bob's method is precisely the way we've done it at our shop since the printer arrived way back in the early '90s. I stack up the sheets sometimes 4 deep using a pin in the outside corners to align the layers. A steel rule of appropriate length and an olfa cutter get it done pretty quickly and...
  18. best sign related injury :)

    Way back in the early eighties I was hired to handpaint the name on a large fishing boat in the local harbour. They were working on it getting it ready for the upcoming halibut season. I had to stand on a 2x10" plank jammed in the tie rails on the dock to get me out to the bow of this big 100 ft...
  19. paint on vinyl?

    Would a vinyl screen ink thinned to a good rolling consistency be an option?
  20. Discussion Perks to Owning Your Own Shop

    I agree with all the mentioned perks like the naps, the snacks, being my own boss, etc, but for me the biggest perk is having my music studio/jam space on the same floor as my workshop. Clients notice the gear thru the glass partition and quite often we end up jamming a few tunes in the middle...