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Search results

  1. Question Something about the Riot makes no sense to me

    FBI: No evidence antifa involved in Capitol riot | TheHillthehill.com › policy › national-security › 533432-fbi-n...
  2. Question Something about the Riot makes no sense to me

    Well Parler isn't working for them anymore...so at least they'd be able to stream fox news and oan all they want. On a more realistic note though, aside from the worst of the rioters from DC....those caught up in the mayhem with that "momentary lapse of reason"....if they are prosecuted and...
  3. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    Sorry to hear about that. Have read in journals its possible that it can happen if exposed after the first dose. Hopefully you're alright afterwards. One of my main contacts at a large client...his 2 kids have it and he's got to go into quarantine now. I hate dealing with his boss..lol
  4. Need Help Now Processing error

    Not sure why your modem would cause a lag. Do you have a Cat 5 network switch your computers are plugged into or anything? Or are you USB to your printer?
  5. Does anyone know of a whole seller that makes custom canopies?

    We do oversized banners....but the canopies and flags we do not do in house.
  6. Question Something about the Riot makes no sense to me

    How about the Republicans at the GA statehouse being ushered out for their safety as well? Raffensperger and all the election officials being escorted out with security for their safety?
  7. textured garage doors

    You can go with some sort of High Tac vinyl...say Arlon or GF. Alumagraphics is a bit out there but would definitely stick. IJ39 is another one for printing. Guessing he wouldn't want lettered aluminum or PVC panels applied to the doors? Could be an easy option there.
  8. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    Maybe that should be a 'jersey plate on that car
  9. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

  10. Need Help BEST plotter for Contour Cutting Reflective Material??

    We use our graphic quite a bit for reflective. The correct blade and pressure...turn the speed down just a little. All good.
  11. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    Based on yesterday's experiences with the now locked thread, if you say something someone doesn't agree with you get your post removed. Some people are definitely holding back. BUT I am celebrating Twitter cutting Trump off finally.
  12. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    I cannot unsee that. Neon Green burned my eyes.
  13. Question on connecting through a 'hub'

    Its not hard to set up the IP addresses....subnet mask & IP addresses...10.10.10.# 1 thru whatever. We have a mix of static and DHCP here at our shop.
  14. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    Not only the airlines, but other Nations that you may or may not want to travel to. They may require it for travel in the near future. Many require a negative test already...even within the US Islands. I'm sure Guam already does..>GAC can chime in on that one. I dont want to be the spreader...
  15. Anyone put grommets in Acrylic signs?

    If you pre-drill the hole on a router or such....should be alright I would think. Just make sure the press doesn't go all the way through its motion. Enough to lock the grommet on and call it a day. Maybe PLASTIC grommets that you can press together with your hand??
  16. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    My dad's issue is hereditary....yes he can loose weight and such but its not going to cure him of the diabetes and such. It alleviates and helps. We dont see this as the magic bullet but rather as a preventative that protects him and his friends in FL as well as us here in NJ.
  17. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    Not all that easy Vic. My father is a Diabetic.....losing weight and all helps, but at 77yo, I would really like to have him to see his granddaughter graduate HS in a few years. Thats my hope for him and this shot.
  18. Question HP Latex and how RIP's handle dimensional deformation due to heat

    That is correct. That is how we handle it and have for years now. The 850s were worse.....1500s are infinitely better with less shrinkage. We still get a shrinkage of .5-.75 inches for every 15-20 ft on banner media in a run. Compensating for that is a given.
  19. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    I will not press my people to get it. If they want the vaccine, they can get it. I will not require them. I will not demand people coming in and out of my shop to have it. This is not a political decision to do this either way. I think its best for myself and my family to do this.
  20. The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

    Ill take the vaccine as well as my wife & daughter when the time comes. I believe in the science of it and I have a couple people I know who got it...wasnt pretty and still isn't for them.