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Search results

  1. Drytac vinyl

    Buying direct from Drytac then?
  2. Drytac vinyl

    We use Drytac Dry Erase once in a while...but not much else. Better than our standard DE lam. The Polar Premium you mentioned, Is that low temp application specific? that sounds pretty good actually....what is full tac for it?
  3. Die cutting graphics with application tape applied

    We would do this on our Colex if needed. The camera marks can be uncovered and the tape cut thru with ease or we use a clear plastic and that allows the cam marks to be read thru it. I wouldn't attempt on a standard plotter.
  4. Suggestions window graphics for office

    The GF255 works on latex....just add a bit of an interpass delay if you on the small format machines. Work with your heat settings. We run mostly 1500s...so not sure of the small format settings.
  5. Suggestions window graphics for office

    Agreed...no frosted. An optically clear vinyl is the most likely solution. General Formulations makes an awesome product...GF255...though shorter term specified and the price is a heck of a lot better than the 3m.
  6. I am so tired

    We run Caldera and every cut is a path or stroke for us. It cuts the center of the stroke whether its 1pt or 20pt. Just recognizes the center of the line it self. Is there a checkbox somewhere in your system....Convert Strokes to fills possibly??
  7. I am so tired

    Maybe your stroke is being recognized as 2 lines AKA compound path??? Can you set to cut ONLY the center of the path? Otherwise as Bly said try to cut from the fill if you can.
  8. Merry Christmas!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone here at WYLD as well!
  9. Is it just me??

    My accountant always wants copies of any invoices or open balances from my vendors dated Dec 30th. They also get a copy of my Quickbooks around Jan 1st every year to update everything on their end. As far as taxes go, I don't think we are in for a big hit as small businesses just because...
  10. Need Help Double sided foam tape with plastic backer?

    Harbor Supply in Maryland has a house brand of foam tape we use. Works well and has a plastic backer.
  11. Is it just me??

    For tax purposes, it goes by the day the check is written or vice versa...deposited. I know we will get a string of checks in the next couple weeks.
  12. Discussion just curious

    75% are rip files locally and then transmit across the network. One printer is hardwired to a single Rip/workstation. Running all Mac OS with Caldera.
  13. Insurance - what do you recommend?

    I agree with NSG above...get a broker and go thru a coverages review. We did that here and saved $5k annually.
  14. Is it just me??

    We typically get a flurry of checks after the 1st. Sometimes checks are dated December 30th....etc. I do feel your pain though. People are typically dragging things out longer and longer and using the excuse of "didn't receive the invoice" with us. Making a change on that come January.
  15. What are you telling customers about shipping delays?

    As of now, UPS has said all bets are off with any guaranteed shipping times. Even the insurance we would utilize for UPS mis-shipments or delays is not backing us. Fedex is marginally better at this time. USPS is a crap shoot. We have a disclaimer about UPS and all shipping currently, not...
  16. Need Help PNG's

    Be careful with PNG....native res may only be 72 dpi. Had a client yesterday with exactly this....exported to PNG and for a guitar front and back, came out at 72 inches tall...not correct! I had to convert it to 300 DPI in Photoshop and let the file decrease In physical size with the...
  17. Real world applications for UV varnish/clear (large/wide format)

    Its a niche thing. Mostly for spot use...not flood UV protection. Gives a nice effect for some retail use.
  18. Need Help Vinyl banner question

    It depends on the 15oz. Smooth shouldn't. Scrim'd 15oz will.
  19. Caldera License Update Issue v12

    Glad that worked out. I wasn't sure if workspace was in V12 or not...been using 13 for a while now.
  20. Caldera License Update Issue v12

    Do you have a login for Help Desk there? They may need to email you your updated access key file. Otherwise, point caldera to where you downloaded it...assuming your desktop. Make sure the OLD one is moved to another drive or hidden in a folder somewhere.