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Search results

  1. Question Agfa Anapurna MW White Ink

    With the series 4 ink on our anapurna we don't have to. The ink is moved thru the system some and stirred in the main tank. We can come in, warmup the printer...give the heads a quick wipe and jet test.....off and running on that. Minolta 1024 heads are pretty damn reliable.
  2. Completely washed out backlit panels

    A print situation like this calls for Day Night backlit....we would print on a translucent white, to push back the lights some, hit the ink dense at the back...white ink layer it the print the image again. Only capable of doing this on UV printers. Someone else suggested doing the same thing...
  3. I think 3M has done something purposely to cause this.

    UV Curable as well.
  4. I think 3M has done something purposely to cause this.

    I see your point now...I wouldn't say intentional, but the vinyl isn't coated for digital ink acceptance like the print medias.
  5. Print/Cut solutions Mutoh Mimaki or Roland

    My 2¢...2 separate machines. You dont tie up your printer when cutting. Your printer is running while the cutter is moving at the same time. Greater flexibility and profit available.
  6. I think 3M has done something purposely to cause this.

    We have seen the mottled effect thats in your print there as well on 3m media. Across the board....30, 40 & even 180. I dont think they do it ON PURPOSE but there are bad batches. Your vendor will typically swap out without question and push it up to 3m for a replacement and notification of a...
  7. Contour cuts off , over 30 inches goes in the trash...

    What printer and plotter?
  8. Graphtec Fc8600 "OFF SCALE" - but cuts ok

    When I do this method, I am only contour cutting with plotter marks. Sometimes, those corner marks being close to the edge get distorted and are not read correctly. Therefore, the plotter is able to read out to the wider media it measured based on the pinches...BUT...it allows the marks to be...
  9. Need Help Wide format printer

    We can bang that out for ya BUT it will have seams! Max is 60 in most dimensions.
  10. Question Digitrim / Import Fotoba Experience?

    We actually have an XL 190. Nice machine!
  11. ACM Printed 2 Sides

    We do those all the time. What thickness? Check us out and shoot us an email
  12. Question Digitrim / Import Fotoba Experience?

    We have a colex fotoba XY thats solid.
  13. Graphtec Fc8600 "OFF SCALE" - but cuts ok

    We get the off scale error on occasion as well and Graphtech has an option we use as a workaround in there that we use sometimes to alleviate it. Mostly when we have the images close to the edges of the media. Set the pinch rollers wider than the media and scan. Then, after that's done, we...
  14. Suggestions Quieting a LOUD Colex SharpCut vac table?

    Im actually going to speak to my landlord about putting exhaust vents thru the roll up door where ours is located. Im thinking that will vent all that outside and help with the noise. Doubtful though the landlord will allow a hole cut in the door...
  15. Polycarbonite shortage...

    It doesn't surprise me actually. Glantz just emailed about having Clear cast acrylic in stock...no polycarbonate in stock locally.
  16. Question Banding, Only When Printing Black...

    Hector...were you able to make any headway on your printing issue?
  17. Need Help AGFA ANAPURNA Mw replace printer head

    Check the cables and start to reseat everything. Make sure you didn't knock anything out of place.
  18. Question Banding, Only When Printing Black...

    A pic would help. Try adding in a little CMY to your B&W prints. Could it be that your K head has some deviations you are not seeing and the interlace is creating the banding that way? Are you limiting ONLY to K for those B&W prints?
  19. Need advice to clean corrugated sheets

    Skids for us as well...never an issue like that.
  20. PVC

    My client says it does. So I go with that. we typically use palram half inch...and I know its not outdoor durable as much as the komatex and we advise as such when selling it to clients. The komatex can be treated or sealed with a clear coat...I dont see why not. We dont have a spray booth...