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Search results

  1. Pricing for 440 Ml Inks for Rolands

    I wouldnt trust solaris or mega...Never heard of solaris before and mega is chinese...uuggh
  2. Adehsion problems

    couple things to do...first, set the lamps to a Post cure...in other words, set the lamps to cure after the 2nd pass. I dunno how it works on the Colorspan. Also, look into your max ink levels. you may actually be also putting too much ink for it to cure properly. Finally...turn the lamps to...
  3. Adehsion problems

    what printer and inks??
  4. Pricing for 440 Ml Inks for Rolands

    Ive got an XC 540 on the way...6 color printer/cutter.
  5. reds are pink

    yeah...sounds like the yellow isnt there. I know on my Vuteks...I get the best reds with the 100 M/100 Y combo. To make a bit deeper start adding in Cyan or black. Or I just pick a pantone...
  6. Pricing for 440 Ml Inks for Rolands

    Who has the best pricing on the 440 ML ink carts for the 540 series of printers/cutters??
  7. Keencut Sabre vs Fletcher - Terry Titan

    Yea...you need to have a FLAT surface otherwise it may not grip in the center properly. A large one like the 120" one you need 2 people to cut larger boards. Otherwise on the 80" you can do that yourself. Works very well for us. Yes we have the SABRE
  8. Keencut Sabre vs Fletcher - Terry Titan

    Ive got 2 keencuts....fantastic cutters. got a 10' one recently....very happy with it.
  9. reds are pink

    whoa...adding 10% cyan isnt the way to go. Best be in printing CMYK for the best red is 100% Magenta and 100% yellow. May want to check your profile settings as well.
  10. VP-540 w/ max ink users...what's your fav materials?

    Give N-Glantz a call. I deal with them for all my solvent media. LMK..I can have my sales guy call you if youre interested.
  11. Reflective Material to use?

    Couldnt have said that better kraig
  12. Reflective Material to use?

    yeah...what they said! but..if its not so important, there are some other brands out there. (Anything but avery!)
  13. Fingerprints on UV prints

    Yea rick...its kinda funny with that. I cant wait for the Sams Club to open!!
  14. New to the Forums from Florida

    welcome from Dirty Jerzee....my Parents are down in SW Florida as well.
  15. New to the forms

    Welcome from Dirty jerzee!
  16. China Cut wide format printer

    can you say P.O.S.!!!
  17. Howdy from Missouri

    Welcome from Dirty Jerz!
  18. Large format printer/software

    On the NEW macs with Intel chips, you can Boot into Windows directly...that opens up lots of avenues for software.
  19. Hi from Sunny Texas

    Welcome Aboard from Dirty Jerzee!
  20. Price/Performance value

    Does sound like a good deal