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Search results

  1. Why is Print Quality so low?

    I have a SP-300v and have this issue on 1 paticular shade of yellow --it would have small red dots showing using the oracal 651 profile-- I have no issues with any but that color --I currently run 105 print and 115 dryer Markus
  2. Dealing with a dry spell...

    Find / Hire a salesperson to do nothing but sales and base it off commission :0) Markus
  3. Do you use a Print/Cut System or Separate Print+Plotter

    Being in since March of this year and purchasing a SP-300V -- I wish I would have gone seperates. Nothing like sitting and waiting for a 30 minute print to get done so you can cut for 5 mins :0) -- Glad I have another cutter as well. Just my (new) 2 cents, Markus
  4. Best Material for Helmets

    Convex :0) http://www.convexvinyl.com/helmets.html Markus
  5. Suggestions for Slideshow software

    buy a cheap digital picture frame and run it through the tv ;0) sorry still need sftware tho -- why not use power point ? Markus
  6. Polycarb Laminate.

    lol it sure is -- don't get it stuck to your fingernail hehe Markus
  7. Plate font

    collegiate variation? http://www.google.com/search?q=collegiate+font&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=QrWPUOKTJqXp0QGw-YDIAg&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=844 Markus
  8. Sheet Cutting

    Agreed and it never has until about a week or so ago -- no error codes and continues as normal-- what gets me is material or no material, it still stops at the same point and does it in sheet cut only :0) thank you, Markus
  9. Sheet Cutting

    No suggestions? -- hmmm thought this was wierd hehe Small update: I tried with a sheet smaller than I normaly use -- the head still stops in the same position for the same amount of time -- beeps once and continues. Paper or no paper under the head-- it still stops about 4" into its path...
  10. Sheet Cutting

    I have a SP-300V that has recently wanted to pause for a brief second before completing the sheet cut function. I complete my printing etc and hit sheet cut -- it is as normal with the carriage going all the way to the left side, blade mech dropping and beginning the sheet cut. About 3" - 4" in...
  11. GX24 - cannot open port

    Are there any others listed? I have several USB's listed and can choose anyone of them -- doesn't mean its the right port :0) Try the others one at a time. Setup a simple square to cut and try :0) Markus
  12. GX24 - cannot open port

    choose the right port -- thats why -- what port is it looking on? if your usb it should be: 0000usb 0001usb and so on (for all usbs lol) I currently run flexi on 8.1 64bit without issues through USB -- the ports gave me a bit of trouble as they are for you. One station is running the...
  13. What would you charge?

    rof with pinky lol Markus
  14. Paint storage...

    A smale amount of thinner or water (whatever paint your using) on the top will prevent that from happening. Do not mix :0) -- the other is to bag it. Put a grocery bag over the lid before closing. We can bag a whole can with a brush in it for a few weeks this way :0)-- The fumes keep the paint...
  15. Taping Vinyl Rolls Not In-Use (and other media)

    scrap transfer tape here -- never had any issues :0) Markus
  16. Glueing Dibond

    thank you all again for all the great ideas/info Markus
  17. Glueing Dibond

    ty Keith -- hence the glue question :0) The other was full frame or corners but still the glue was the major question. Thank you, Markus
  18. new member

    Hello from Upstate, NY :0) Markus
  19. Bubbles

    signgirl please explain lol -- this has happened to me on many occasions and I as always try to becareful careful. They are always around the edges Markus
  20. Glueing Dibond

    Sorry for being vague. Yes I was going to experiment with making pans of different shapes and didnt believe the "bend" alone was strong enough to hold the shape. I would figure angle aluminum in the corners and wondered what type of glue would be used (or the process) for keeping it in...