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Search results

  1. Dodge Ram hood stripes

    Topic is a year old lol. Back then when i posted it - i created my own template, thats it.
  2. Who's the Bigger Problem?

    Voted for a sign maker.
  3. Doest this BS look familiar?

    But when you are, you make a BS post :D
  4. Snowmobile Templates

    There are none available online. I create my very own template. Spend 40 hours on it. I suggest you do same if you will be doing kits for them.
  5. Got old cracking Vinyl to remove? BUY THIS YESTERDAY!

    Alright, buying one 1 of these to use in my shop then
  6. Need Help Vinyle edges peeling back on decals

    Or if you can't - laminate them, that will help
  7. Discussion Autobody

    Did one roughly a year ago or so... customer requested to have a lady's silhouette with flowing hair... could not resist!
  8. Best place to buy Roland 440ml Eco-Sol max CMYK cartridges

    You also have to mention, that it matters if you print a lot or no with 3rd party ink, because if you do not print everyday, chances of clogging are higher.
  9. Best place to buy Roland 440ml Eco-Sol max CMYK cartridges

    I pay 149.95 per cart here in Canada from a Roland dealer, our dollar sucks
  10. Advertising on your signs

    Just this weekend, i saw a 4x8 ft coro sign with 3x6 inch sign shop sticker on front side of it LOL
  11. Xmas holiday

    Who else is taking time off at Xmas? That is the only time in whole year when i take any time off at all, so i am always excited lol. My last business day is December 23rd - will be cleaning shop & organizing stuff for next year. Then taking off & won't come to the shop til the January 4th :)
  12. Advertising on your signs

    It pisses me off when i see competitor's label right on the front side of the sign they made. I always tell my customer that i don't stick my labels on sign/vehicles, even if they tell me i can. It does not feel right to me.
  13. Hallo from Russia

    Здаров :)
  14. Year end bonuses?

    We have same stuff here in Canada. My mom & step dad are using it to write of actual casual labor for their winery & bistro (paying school kids to do the yard work etc.)
  15. Year end bonuses?

    The way i see it, that money that he gives to employees by cash or cheque, does not matter, he leaves it off the books as an expense. So lets say he gives out $5000 in bonuses tax free, that $5000, he will have to pay income tax on, since he gave them to employee as tax free. So he pays income...
  16. Year end bonuses?

    I think he end up paying taxes on it since he does not write it off as an expense, so yeah, government still get their portion, only employee does not pay a dime
  17. Year end bonuses?

    I am pretty sure there are some loops in system to do so, like "unaccounted" spendings etc. Just can't abuse it to much.
  18. Exterior Lighted SIgn Box

    Yeah, its what he also told me, they have to snap labels on when they manufacture them. What is ESA? So far i was told about CSA/cUL so far lol
  19. Exterior Lighted SIgn Box

    I see. I called the owner of that electrical company just to see what he says :) That pylon sign that i mentioned - it will have to be certified again, can't use old label, due to electrical parts getting changed. Its pretty anal here about electrical codes in general, thats why i don't touch it...
  20. Exterior Lighted SIgn Box

    I also seen sort of self-made box signs that they were able to wire, without it having any previous electrical parts in it. I am confused now lol.