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Search results

  1. VJ 1204 stops printing midway thru

    Once the installation is done, open the program, go to Help menu->Check for Updates and download the latest Service Pack.
  2. mutoh rockhopper 38 heads & dampers

    The MSA needs to be replaced every 6-12 months according to Mutoh.
  3. Compilla

    Hey Randya. Can you elaborate...

    Hey Randya. Can you elaborate? http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?p=601897#post601897 Not ready to Print, I never heard that before, not sure what you mean by your ink code has been expired? TY
  4. VJ 1204 stops printing midway thru

    Is hibernation ON ? Have you checked your Power Management Settings in Windows ? I will contact SAi or your dealer in order to get the 8.6v2 update.
  5. Winodws 7, 7.5 and plotters...

    This may help: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/Make-older-programs-run-in-this-version-of-Windows
  6. Creating faded drop shadows in flexi 8.6

    AWESOME BOB! I love the way you word it! :ROFLMAO:
  7. How do you or Can you shut down fans on ValueJet?

    It takes less than a minute to put it to sleep.
  8. How do you or Can you shut down fans on ValueJet?

    Just put it on sleep mode.
  9. Head Rank

    You may need to check on a Roland Printer Forum, this is a Mutoh Forum.
  10. Mutoh F. O. Jr Autocleaning?

    Graphics2u, Interesting, Do you have that link handy ?
  11. Mutoh F. O. Jr Autocleaning?

    You can buy the service Manual from Mutoh: http://www.mutoh.com/kb/entry/64/ As per your issue, either your capping station or your pump is failing.
  12. Mutoh F. O. Jr Autocleaning?

    It is correct, the FO Series don't have Auto-cleaning function
  13. Missing block of Cyan in Nozzle Check -At Wits End!

    Also known as "print head nipple" If the nipple broke off, then it is time to hire a pro and let him replace the head.
  14. Missing block of Cyan in Nozzle Check -At Wits End!

    The Internal Damper o-ring ( seal ) may be "sucking air", if any of the seals leak you don't get to print. I will replace that Damper. Remove the brass nut and replace the O-ring. Do not over-tighten the brass nut.. Put your Damper fixing plate back
  15. Feedback on Mutoh Falcon ii outdoor

    I know that, he has a limited budget that's why I suggested the 48"
  16. Flexi 7.62 & a 1304?

    No it won't work. You'll need to get at least Flexi 8.1v1
  17. Missing block of Cyan in Nozzle Check -At Wits End!

    Perhaps, I doubt it, but could be possible ... Based on this: Electrical issues are not random, either fires or not Please keep us posted on the development on this issue...:Coffee:
  18. Missing block of Cyan in Nozzle Check -At Wits End!

    Thanks, a picture is worth a thousand words I suspect this a Plumbing issue, It appers that the C Damper it is not pushed all the way onto the manifold on top of the print head. I will reattach or replace that Damper. Remove the brass nut and replace the O-ring. I noticed your Damper fixing...
  19. Missing block of Cyan in Nozzle Check -At Wits End!

    Dear SignLady, May I see a pic of your missing channels? ( if you can )
  20. Mutoh 1304 Help!!! - Only printing PURE magenta

    I agree. uneven ink levels in the cartridges will do that... Doing 1 or 2 little charges should correct the issue if you have ink flow to the waste bottle.