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Search results

  1. Falcon Outdoor print question

    Contaminated media? Have you tried another roll ?
  2. Mutoh 1304 Help!!! - Only printing PURE magenta

    Can you please post picture(s) ?
  3. Feedback on Mutoh Falcon ii outdoor

    Heads are very expensive + labor, I will get a new 1204 printer to be honest with you.
  4. Mutoh1304 e079err comm. Pls help!!

    Need to change a Dip Switch on the Heater Control Board, he called Mutoh and they got him working again...
  5. Help

    What printer you got? Clean around your head(s) and cap tops. Make sure you are printing with the head on high..
  6. Mutoh Error List

    All right, Thanks for the update... Hopefully you got all the prints done before the Christmas rush.. :birthday:

    Is there any ink on the dampers? How long ago did nano replace this parts? Did he used original parts or Chinese parts?? An OEM Maintenance Station could be the answer to your dilemma...
  8. Mutoh Error List

    Have you checked the fuses on the MoBo (Mother Board ) ? What's the part number on your board? DE-22224B or the old style DE-22224A?

    Sorry to hear that, Are you getting ink flow to the waste tank when yo do a cleaning ? Can you manually pull ink through the lines?
  10. WHERE DID MY BLACK GO PrismJetXtra

    I'll give you a 12 pack for your Printer... :popcorn:
  11. Mutoh Error List

    TOO Expensive! They do not want to share the RAM specs... Thanks for the offer but I do not need one at this moment. So you are getting a new MoBo ?
  12. Mutoh Error List

    Did you get it from Mutoh?
  13. Mutoh Error List

    Remove the back cover off>locate the mother board> locate the RAM or DIMM pull the 2 clips that hold it in place. Clean the contacts, put it back the same way .
  14. Mutoh Error List

    It seems like the mother board bite the dust. Have you tried resetting the DIMM on the MoBo ? See if Mutoh gives you the spects for a new DIMM and see if you can get a replacement locally. Buying more RAM should be cheaper than buying new mother board.
  15. WHERE DID MY BLACK GO PrismJetXtra

    Do a nozzle check and you'll find the answer to your question. I bet you a 12pack of Corona, that K it is not firing...:peace!:
  16. Mutoh Error List

    I could not find that error message. Can you get the printer on firmware mode? If so, I will reload the firmware.
  17. 1204 Spitoon Pads

    I am assuming you order \ called sales instead of tech support
  18. VJ1604 E071 error code

    Is the disc warped? IF the disc it is touching the encoder sensor, that's enough to trigger the error, I will start with a new disk, they are cheap, around $50-60 bucks, then a new sensor and or motor. I wish I was there to see...
  19. Mutoh Error List

    Is it a 1604 or a 1614 VJ Printer ? Does the error say E00xxx before CPU [35]?
  20. falcon outdoor jr

    I will do both, just to be safe.