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Search results

  1. JV33-160 vs Flexi

    Thanks for the replay. You pointed me to the right direction... Yes, I was running the Raster Ink Pro Software before. We just got Flexi to be able to Contour Cut... :peace!:
  2. JV33-160 vs Flexi

    Trying to set a JV33-160 on FlexiSignPro 8.6v2 The printer is connected via USB What port do I need to select ? Tried All USB port Available, no luck Check on Printer and faxes and shows to be set on RLP Mono, so I set it up on Flexi But it does not communicate, it Rips the file but it won't...
  3. Missing block of Cyan in Nozzle Check -At Wits End!

    Too much coffee? lol
  4. KCMY not original MASSAGE

    Yes, contact you 3rd party ink supplier for new cards...
  5. Mutoh vj1604 - waste tank not filling up

    Based on your poor description, Sounds like you need a new MS station.
  6. Mutoh error 072

    Try doing a search before posting: http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28106 Hope that helps!
  7. Mutoh falcon II outdoor, overspray

    Good point
  8. Mutoh 38 Rockhopper fuse replacement

    Hi Martin, You may find the answer to your question here: http://signs101.com/forums/showthrea...d+fuses&page=3 __________________
  9. Where are you buying your Mutoh VJ consumables?

    What's exactly are you /they missing ?
  10. Color Order

    Did you or someone recently replace the ink lines?
  11. Compilla

    Did you check the fuses again? Something it is blowing the fuses...

    Did you check the fuses again? Something it is blowing the fuses...
  12. Color Order

    The Damper order is: From Left to right: KCLmMYLc
  13. Mutoh falcon outdoor question

    No problem, I found a place online where you can get a replacement for a decent price: http://www.thenerds.net/SEH_TECHNOLOGY_INC.SEH_PS105_Print_Server.M04422.html
  14. Mutoh falcon outdoor question

    test the power supply and make sure it draws 5 volts which is what the spec is. If you are not getting power your server it is junk... You may need to get a replacement...
  15. Yaa! Got my 1204 today!

    Save yourself a lot of headaches and do what Stealth Ryder it is telling you. And Welcome to the Mutoh's fan's club!!! / LOL
  16. Mutoh Valuejet 1204 thin lines and stopping

    Can you post a picture of what you describe?
  17. Chromatic banding issue

    With as vague a description of the issue you're having.... What Printer, What Rip, What media are you printing on?, profile, etc, etc
  18. VJ 1304 won't cut 50in panles with onyx 7

    What Graphtec cutter model you got? Unable to cut 50" ?? Length or width?
  19. printer problem? or Rip software problem?

    RIP Problem. Still having Issues ?
  20. Transparent Lens Question

    What version of Flexi are you running?