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Search results

  1. What Can I do with a Non working JV3???

    Mimaki parts are through the roof. If you can flush the heads you can probably get a couple grand out of them if you can prove a good test draw. Most anything in the carriage can be sold pretty easy I would think. You can probably dump most all of it on ebay. May be easier just to dump the...
  2. Pacific starts tonight at 9 on HBO

    just watched it, can't wait for the next one!
  3. Best flatbed for corrugated plastic

    Our m4f we're basically doing the same as listed here. Fan + both lamps on high + both shutters as suggested by agfa. The ink is on the corro really good at that point. The corrugated issue was a deal breaker for us too, the OCE we ruled out right off because of the info on adhesion we heard...
  4. Mimaki JV3-Half of magenta not printing

    Glad you got it fixed, thanks for sharing the damage. The price of that stuff is SICK!
  5. Y Axis is off

    The media sensor is clipped into a bracket on the head. Probably what has happened is that the media pushed it up and broke the clips. Look at the front left of the print carriage for a little metal bracket it sits in. You probably just need to push it back into place. I speak from experience :(
  6. Mimaki JV3-Half of magenta not printing

    Sounds like you are on track with the slider board.
  7. Website Critique Please!

    Brian, design looks pretty good to me although here are some things to consider. I see you're using an AJAX get request pulling from separate files. Although the experience you get from this is pretty smooth (almost flash like) it isn't very search engine friendly. To the engines your site...
  8. Mimaki JV3-Half of magenta not printing

    I would swap the ribbon cables around on the cyan head basically making it print opposite of what it is supposed to. Also try physically switching ribbon cables around (top and bottom) with the other working side. If the problem flips around also then you know you have an electric issue...
  9. Mimaki JV3-Half of magenta not printing

    If you've never had to replace anything and the machine has some time on it I would suspect the pump first, although the damper is also possible. My money is on the pump, this is typically what they do when they go out. You should really keep one on the shelf as they are consumable parts. The...
  10. Agfa M2 Vs. Oce Arizona GT350

    My experience is with the M4f, looking back we should have gotten the m2 as speed is the major difference.m4 does have vacuum hold down. m2 is 6 color, 6 head, ours is 4 color 4 head. The Anapurna M is 6c/6 head also but slower. All that said we're happy with ours. Not sure what you're...
  11. Gimme that thang!!!!!! apple keynote in progress!!!

    There are some things about this that are cool, but it seems there are some major draw backs that have carried over from running essentially a phone OS. The browser still doesn't support flash, while not a huge deal on the iphone, this is a big deal to me. Same thing for multitasking. The...
  12. AGFA Flatbed ANAPURNA Mw

    We've had the m4f for a few months now. This is basically the same as the mw except 4 color. The agfa tech support is really awesome they have really bent over backwards to take care of us. After having the machine for this amount of time we're happy with our choice.
  13. 360 540 high speed bi directional disgust

    We never were able to run 360x540 with decent results.
  14. Your thoughts on metallic solvent (eco) printing

    I could see a lot of potential for many types of markets with this.
  15. Printing to canvas material?

    Check with the manufacturer about profiles. We have printed canvas with this issue, you need to profile it to get the best results.
  16. What to buy?

    Our Agfa passes the tape test great without any special surface prep other than alcohol. The lamps need to be on high setting when printing but it works well. You could say that was a deal breaker and we got specific samples from Agfa before committing on the machine. Speed on the Agfa...
  17. What to buy?

    Your situation sounds really similar to ours, we ended up choosing the Agfa Anapurna M series. We started out looking only at true flatbeds, but after seeing the machine in action it suited our needs just as well. We looked very closely at the OCE, but heard stories from more the one source the...
  18. Nozzle Wash Help!

    Some people *raises hand* learn the hard way that cleaning does pay off in the long run :) What will happen eventually you'll get ink build up around the rubber rim of your caps and they will not seal, you will wonder why your heads suddenly are dropping out. Hopefully you'll figure out what...
  19. Opinions on Rastek H650

    Thanks for the info, this is sort of what I suspected.