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  1. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Exactly what I've been saying all along. I used to think the way you did, until one day, many years ago, I was fortunate enough to be educated by a very pleasant and helpful guy from CocaCola's legal dept. And I'm not being sarcastic. I learned a lot from him and many of my long-held beliefs...
  2. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Ha!... The place where lawyers love to play...
  3. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Copyright, in as far as copyright protects anything, is automatic and does not require any special notice. But it is prudent to always provide the notice. By the way, a proper copyright notice has the following form: Copyright [©], year, owner, conditions. That's it -- the symbol is not...
  4. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Yes, you can. The only way that Shop A can protect his design concept as opposed to his work is to have his client sign a contract specifically limiting the use of Shop A's design concept without proper permission. If Shop A did not did not have the client enter into a contractual agreement...
  5. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Literature and music are the two exceptions.
  6. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Are you daft? As has already been stated, it isn't copyright law that protects a corporate logo. Its trademark law that protects logos...
  7. Copyrighted Artwork?

    What you describe would actually be legal under copyright law but very, very illegal under trademark law.
  8. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Exactly. The two legal devices offer entirely different protections and are non-overlapping.
  9. Copyrighted Artwork?

    So, you're saying that if I take a photo of this tree, someone will claim I am infringing on their copyright?
  10. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Can you expand on that, please? This tree you speak of -- is it a graphic that comprises a trademarked logo?
  11. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Not if it is trademarked, you can't...
  12. What the heck is wrong with people?

    Clientcopia actually has quite a few stories on bosses, too...
  13. Copyrighted Artwork?

    Copyright protects the work, not the idea or concept. So, you can recreate the artwork from scratch to look as close as you like as long as you do not use -- in any way -- the actual file/printout that came from the other vendor. Example: If I shoot a photo of a scene and you shoot a...
  14. What the heck is wrong with people?

    Wow, Pat... them's looks likes some great contribootions to Clientcopia.com Yes, I have referred strange and difficult customers to others and then called them out of guilt to apologize....
  15. Joke

    Two powerline workers came back to the shop after going out on a service call to find that there had been a complaint of foul language phoned in by a little old lady who lived very near the location they had been working. They were asked to submit a written report to address the issue. One of...
  16. Clever image in the news today

    go back a few posts....
  17. Clever image in the news today

    So, how is the word "hype" not a comment on an ad? Are you a little sensitive, too?
  18. Clever image in the news today

    I was responding to another post, not yours. And no, I don't think the graphic/ad is that clever or interesting as its been done before. Certainly not special enough to warrant a news item, as the OP claims. Is there a link to this news item? Overall, though, I do think that Apple's...
  19. Clever image in the news today

    So, in your mind, does critical analysis of an ad constitute hatred toward a company? That's probably because the vast majority of people that have these "other" devices don't go out of their way to celebrate not-so-clever, unoriginal ads...
  20. Clever image in the news today

    It looks odd to me. They didn't use Myriad. Maybe its a fake add that some "enthusiast" whipped up. Maybe.....