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Search results

  1. Again, Valuejet Help...

    That Problem may be fixed by a Firmware update, the current firmware it is 1.15 for the 1204. Contact you dealer for this.
  2. heater settings - Falcon Jr.

    If you get a good nozzle check , it could be the Profile, Step Adjust or heaters. I normally set the heaters for 3651G to 50/50°
  3. Prism Jet Extra....love+hate

    You said that your new Inks have a smart cards. Your are implying that your old one didn't, so it seems to me that you were shipped the wrong inks entirely, thus the incompatible ink error.
  4. ValueJet refill inks

    We're talking about Printers not cars.
  5. Picking Up Mutoh Falcon Outdoor.. Need Help!!

    That is TRUE!! Color Dude has helped me multiple times, he is pretty sharp with this old age medieval monsters. :U Rock:
  6. Whats the problem?

    I already inspected the MTNC area, inspect the top ink lines for leaks, holes or kinks. I had the same problem with black ink droples and the black line had a hole on it. Good Luck! :cool1:
  7. Flexi 8.5 for Vista!!!!

    So it's a free upgrade, but only until September 30?
  8. Mutoh JR - Needs an Overhaul

    It is also recommended that the maintenance station be replaced every 6 months. This is only a Preventative Maintenance action designed to minimize down time in the event of failure.
  9. Flexi 8.5 for Vista!!!!

    I am hoping this upgrade it is FREE for Flexi 8.1 users ! Do not want any rip offs ...
  10. Mutoh Parts

    Falcon Outdoor Parts I am needing a Mainboard Fuse and color dampers for a Falcon Outdoor 48" Do you know any good surce to get parts other than the good guys from GEI ? Thanks!!
  11. ValueJet refill inks

    NO!!! That would void my Warranty, Using 3rd party inks may damage the printer's internal components such as Print Head, Dampers, Pump, etc.
  12. Mutoh SpitFire

    The Mutoh Spit fire it is an upgraded version of the FalconII and incorporates the ValueJet wave technology... I've heard still has a lot of Software and Firmware bugs...
  13. Need to download Falcon Outdoor 46 Driver-Where?

    Windows drivers are not “beefy” enough to handle full raster processing Like Bob said you'll need a RIP-based driver.
  14. Dongle Mac Issues???

    Does the KEY show up in System Profiler? You might need to reinstall the USB driver, Try their newest Driver: http://www.safenet-inc.com/support/files/SMD1.0.0.3.zip Note: Please refer to Read me file first. Good Luck !
  15. 64" Valuejet Impressions

    Change the media Initial to top& width
  16. Hi, From Argentina

    Bienvenido a uno de los mejores Foros de discusion!!! :peace!:
  17. My Valuejet Problem

    Then the people who sold you the wrong INK, needs to pay for their mistake.
  18. Mutoh TIP ink not filling damper

    Excellent Tip, Thanks !!!! :cool1:
  19. My Valuejet Problem

    Try changing the effect to Fine & Wave 1 Do the PF adjust Good Luck!
  20. My Valuejet Problem

    Could you Please post a picture of the nozzle test and some printed samples?