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Search results

  1. Re-invent the logo

    haha thats great
  2. Anyone have trouble contacting Merritt?

    Because a company should be able to upheld by any one person that works there, not just Mike. I don't care if you are the assistant to the assistant, you should still ALWAYS show a smile and respect to a customer.
  3. What are your pet peeves

    another I just thought of... breaking my dang tape measures.... is it really that hard that you HAVE to pull the tape out when its locked, or jam it back in.... tape measure are suppose to last more than 3 months!!!!
  4. What are your pet peeves

    Most recent pet peeve, when my production assistant calls cut vinyl a print ... "oh can you print me another "e"" ... you mean "CUT" you another e... sure!!!
  5. Fun for all.

    so fun! messed up bad on the last one.... 84/100
  6. 3m RGB Chart

    oh awesome thank you!
  7. 3m RGB Chart

    I don't I use flexi
  8. 3m RGB Chart

    I was wondering if there is an 3M RGB color chart out there?
  9. Installing vinyl over rivets with rollepro question

    WOW! I think I know what my next present is going to be....
  10. Boat Name

    I like the top one, I think the bottom one is too simple.
  11. How to cut this hood vinyl

    I like this idea! hehe
  12. air-egress vs standard vinyl

    air-egress is the way to go oh and if your having trouble with bubbles laying flat try a bit of rapid tac!
  13. Material roll fastenings

    I've never had issues with it leaving a mark on anything nor any residue, weither it be digital or cut. But normally with cut I'll just use masking tape.
  14. Plotter Recommendation

    graphtec all the way!
  15. Material roll fastenings

    I always use transfer tape, its low tac enough not to leave any residue (to create print issues) but hi tac enough to hold it in place.
  16. won't hold cleaning fluid

    it sounds to me as if your lines arent secure into the pumps, check those lines, check for any access ink... where it shouldnt be. And then I would check your pump to make sure that it is pinching the lines properly
  17. Weeding Nightmare!?

    I agree with others just cut and weed. I've also weeded a lot worse
  18. 48" Media

    + 1 for Grimco, I have been using their key banner for a year now, and love it!
  19. Gotta love Some customers.

    our number is close to a garage door place, people always ask if we can fix their garage. We also get the occasional person that can't read all of our window vinyl and walk in asking if we can fix their windshield (guess who next door....)
  20. New Race Car wrap

    wow awesome wraps, love the mustang!!