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Search results

  1. Al Checca

    Best of luck
  2. I feel like a dummy.....Font Help Please

    Thank you Shovel
  3. I feel like a dummy.....Font Help Please

    Does anyone know this one? Ya think I would know it :banghead: Thanks in advance.
  4. Update on Arlo

    Thank you for the update - Get well soon!!
  5. Hello from down South

  6. Spell Much?

    Looks like it's been up there a while....
  7. Looking for business checks

    Check here: http://www.dfsonline.com/dfsEcat/product/checks.jsp http://www.nebs.com/nebsEcat/index.jsp
  8. Bought an iPad.. now what?

  9. Hello

  10. Thank you Dr. Timko

  11. I need Help with a template

    The photos would be the easiest way then. Get some good measurements scale it up and go to town. Best of luck
  12. Critique time....

    I agree with GB2 about her arm and back leg of the ladder. I would soften up the color of her back pocket, brush pocket & cuffs. Can you try to make the ladder a bit more grounded? It looks like it's floating. What if you had her painting the letters in "Room Reinventions" That might look...
  13. We lost a member

    My condolences
  14. My new baby.

    I have one of those near my desk:ROFLMAO:
  15. Cutting very small vinyl

    1/32" - 1/16" I would think that's your problem - it's so tiny -------------------------------------- and before anyone else says it..... TWSS hahahahaha
  16. wrapping over a wrap... any specific concerns I should be aware of?

    :goodpost: Gino. I wouldn't wrap over the existing wrap. That's IMO just asking for problems.
  17. I need Help with a template

    If you can't find a template take a bunch of straight on pics grab some measurements and scale it up. I've done it before and found it works well. That's a neat looking truck
  18. Cutting very small vinyl

    How small is small? What type of vinyl?
  19. My new baby.

  20. Good starter vinyl application kit?

    I would think that just about any of the major suppliers can set you up with a starter kit. Were you looking to use this for practice or is this what you were going to letter the box truck with? As for the cleaning solution... I guess this would depend on if the vehicle has wax on it or...