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  1. LEISTER HEMTEK ST - Anyone have one? Review?

    They won't do webbing, will they?
  2. Digital UV print

    How well does it work on other substrates like acrylic or other plastics?
  3. Digital UV print

    I've had luck with 91% IPA and lots of elbow grease. You can also try one of those orange plastic razorblades to peel the ink off. You'll probably end up with a little ghosting.
  4. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Says the guy who's constantly picking fights and mocking people with crummy drawings. So much cognitive dissonance. I'm actually a really nice guy, I just don't like bullies and you fall into that category. So the reason you might think I'm nasty is because I think you're a POS and I don't like you.
  5. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Bob only gets lumped in for being a curmudgeon, he's helpful the majority of the time if you can overlook his grumpy old man attitude.
  6. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    What lesson was I supposed to learn? Only thing I learned is that internet bullies are not very original and travel in packs. Was I supposed to learn some other lesson from you internet tough guys?
  7. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Can't wait until summer break is over and you guys have to go back to middle school. It's weird how EVERY thread you guys end up in turns into a back and forth with someone. I rarely see it in threads that don't involve you guys. Wonder why that is?
  8. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Hey, the third stooge showed up.
  9. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Also, you're wrong. Stick to philosophy, Bob. Your understanding of English is imperfect.
  10. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Bob can never be wrong. Bob the All-Knowing shall not be challenged. 3M says outgassing must be done? WHAT DOES 3M KNOW COMPARED TO BOB THE ALL-KNOWING?
  11. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    im·me·di·ate iˈmēdēət/ adjective 1. occurring or done at once; instant. "the authorities took no immediate action" synonyms: instant, instantaneous, swift, prompt, fast, speedy, rapid, brisk, quick, expeditious
  12. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Evaporation doesn't happen immediately. If evaporation happened immediately you wouldn't be able to expose any liquid to air for even a split second.
  13. Discussion Do I have to wait 24hrs so I can laminate?

    Different manufacturers recommend different things. To be on the safe side, I'd give yourself 24 hours if you don't have time to look up the recommended outgassing time. I know you're supposed to be able to use prints done with Roland Eco-Sol MAX instantly, but never used it. I've seen...
  14. 3m vinyl colors

    Well, unless it's a competing donut maker or bakery, it's not like they can do a whole lot about it.
  15. Leaving ink in a UV printer turned off

    Yes, it can damage the printer. If it's been unplugged for an extended period of time, especially if the heads aren't capped, the heads could be shot. If it has white ink in it, you can pretty much count on those lines/heads being done for.
  16. SIGNS365.com - is destroying my reputation and costing me $$

    I get where Tim is coming from, but you shouldn't feel bad. Look at what Circle did to the billboard market. It's business. Gotta do what you gotta do.
  17. Routing: Max Metal vs Starbond vs Omegabond

    We use ePanel, Duratex, and DiBond. They all eat up bits. Like 2CT said, you're routing metal. If you can't or don't want to use cheaper bits, just pass the cost of the bits on to your customers.
  18. laminate failure photos?

    You're not funny and this isn't a forum for comedians, so that makes you a troll. You aren't offering up anything useful or helpful. I might not like Bob or agree with everything he says, but at least he offers up helpful advice, even if it is condescending 75% of the time. Keep playing that...
  19. laminate failure photos?

    Bob, you do whatever you want. Clearly your opinion is far more valid than the advice of the material and equipment manufacturers. [Edit: For the record, anecdotal is appropriate. Your statements are based entirely on your own personal observations. Unless you've been doing some scientific...
  20. laminate failure photos?

    You may have been lucky, but I wouldn't go by anecdotal evidence. Almost every major producer of inks, laminates, vinyls, and equipment suggest you outgas. It's not some crazy conspiracy.