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Search results

  1. virus questions

    just need to have a Mac....
  2. I know I've seen this font before...

    ?????????? JHill found precisely the font you are looking for....
  3. I know I've seen this font before...

    See above....
  4. Windows 7 "User Control Account" settings

    Mine is set at one down from the top and I don't have any lag issues. But I also use both Chrome and Firefox. I've never used Internet Explorer...
  5. thinking about going to the apple side

  6. thinking about going to the apple side

    Oooooooo. Cool. That must be just kickin', eh? Now, I want one, too... :ROFLMAO:
  7. thinking about going to the apple side

    ...which is typical of someone who's arguments and rebuttals do not stand up to close scrutiny.
  8. thinking about going to the apple side

    Obviously? How so? Where have I said anything bad about Macs? Where have I said anything bad about Mac users? My objection is not to people or to computers, but to vague and unsubstantiated statements like "Macs are intended for design". If someone had said that "Windows PCs are intended for...
  9. font id please

    I'm pretty sure it's Verdana, but that might be just in my browser... :ROFLMAO: Seriously, Binki, you need to post an image... :)
  10. thinking about going to the apple side

    So, you don't think sweeping statements have their place in a discussion like this? I agree. So, then, what this "myriad of reasons... "?
  11. thinking about going to the apple side

    If I pay $2 for a cup of coffee that is essentially the same as the $4 cup of coffee you buy, then, by definition, the $2 extra you spent is for superficial reasons. There is no getting around that. Now, I don't have a problem if you say that you like the more expensive coffee because you like...
  12. ok... rip us apart

    The last one is fresh, clean, creative, and is easily lent to a wide variety of applications...
  13. thinking about going to the apple side

    Your English comprehension lacks. David did not say he was educated. He said, in fact, that he was surrounded by educated people who would back him up. This makes me wonder if you just skim what other people write and twig on to certain words bereft of the context they may be in. On the...
  14. thinking about going to the apple side

    Comparing similar cups of coffee that cost $2 and $4 and equating that to comparing an 83 Yugo with a new BMW is ridiculous. But if you want to... yeah, I will agree that a new Mac is a better computer than a mid-eighties PCjr.
  15. thinking about going to the apple side

    Well, no... not really. Not in my books. Anyone who spends too much on anything is stupid. You're the only one making that argument here...
  16. thinking about going to the apple side

    [Slight hijack] Just wondering what you mean when you say you wrote some software by hand. Does that mean you used a pencil and paper? Technically, isn't all software written by hand, as you call it? Was it necessary to add that embellishment? [Slight hijack/]
  17. thinking about going to the apple side

    Partially quoting someone out of context and twisting it to your own ends is shameful. You need to slap yourself upside the head for that.
  18. not enough?

    Instead of making "The" smaller using the same font, why not do it in a slanted signpainter-type script?
  19. New Illustration Project.

    That is awesome... You are inspiring me.
  20. When the unexpected happens

    Thanks, Stacy... I know what you're talking about. When my dad died, he had all his ducks in a row -- no questions, no mysteries. I was very grateful for his foresight.