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Search results

  1. Broken JV3-250SP

    I'm not for sure but I think about the only remaining culprit is the mainboard, especially if you;ve replaced the slider board, which is what I would have thought. Have you replaced the ribbon cables to the heads? However, you said you removed the heads to clean them... Did you get any cleaning...
  2. install question on long lettering

    Centerhinge makes things easier sometimes, but you also run the risk of things going up or down hill by the end. If you can top or bototm hinge and cut the letters apart into smaller sections that's a more accurate way. If it was a solid stripe or box, center hinge is about your only option...
  3. how do i make contour cut lines in photoshop?

    You will have to start in a vector program, type the text in you want, save it, then copy and paste it into photoshop. In PS, apply the effects you want to the text, save as a .jpg or .tiff. Place that image back into your original vector file. Make the original vector version the cut path...
  4. Issues Printing on 3M CV2

    Dunno what printer you're using but on our JV3 the closest thing I can get to 485 is actually just a CMYK mix: C3, M100, Y100, K7.5. It comes out pretty nice but I don't think process printing can perfectly match 485. Also, for the banding, if possible, try taking the image into photoshop and...
  5. New to lighted box pricing question

    Sounds like you've done your homework on mounting to the pole, and it sounds like the pole will work fine, as long as you have interior bracing as gators suggests it should hold up fine. Do yourself a huge favor and double check with zoning in your area regarding any licenses you're required...
  6. New to lighted box pricing question

    Yeah, check the engineering on that pole, or check to see that the city will not require you to re-engineer the pole and footer to support a cabinet of that size, assuming the old cabinet was smaller. Plate-mounted 32 s.f. cabinet will work if the plate and pole are big enough, but there's some...
  7. Mimaki wiper seemes to be stuck

    I had something similar to that happening to us for a while, but we got an error when it happened too. We tried to clean it and fix it ourselves but it didn't work, we eventually had to have a tech come out and they disasseblmed the entire wiper assembly, soaked everything in cleaning fluid...
  8. JV3-75 SPII Alignment Issues

    clean your encoder strip. Not sure if that will solve it or not, normally it would but I don't know why it would only do this with just one RIP and not the other. Normally a side-stepping print is a sure sign of a dirty encoder strip, but I'm not 100% positive on this.
  9. Laminator

    Talk to Chris Adcock at GraphiXtreme, he's a merchant member on here and I believe has the Ding Tec laminator, I think he's had good results with it. For the most part, laminators all do the same thing. Some are easier to dial in than others, some come from the factory better dialed in than...
  10. JV3 pausing before print

    Make sure you have the proper firewire driver (both from Mimaki and from the manufacturer), some firewire cards work better than other so check that too. If all is good on the connection side, I blame Flexi too. Everything I've read about Flexi and Mimakis leads me to believe the two are less...
  11. low ink warning &^%&&^%$

    I know I've said this before and I'll keep saying until I'm blue in the face... d i t c h f l e x i a s f a s t a s y o u c a n :wink:
  12. low ink warning &^%&&^%$

    I'd get that checked out, we never have that problem. I've sent long runs to print before I leave at night, come in in the morning to find out it ran out of ink, load a new cartridge and it keeps printing, and I've never been able to see where it ran out of ink. The printer is supposed to stop...
  13. Affordable RIP Print & Contour cut software

    look into the CiberCat software, it's very affordable and frankly is pretty good, we used to use it with our Falcon and never had any problems.
  14. Our Summa D160 is in slow motion..

    Is this a new problem or does it always happen? How complicated is the contour cut? How is the plotter connected?
  15. how to multiply in AI.

    Holy crap Rick, I've been using CADTools for years and never noticed it could do that! That's awesome, thank you so much! BTW, if you don't have CADTools, it's worth the hundred bucks to buy it, it's a great program for the sign business, allows you to very easily make dimensions, notations...
  16. Real Estate Agents: good customers or bad?

    In our experience alot of individual agents are fairly frugal or cheap people. Some are because they have no choice, the real estate market is bad right now, I understand where they are coming from to a point, when all of the marketing expenses have to come out of their pockets up front, why...
  17. Looking for PRO monitor

    I'm working with the 30" Dell and I love it. It's a little on the bright side out of the box but I've got it dialed in fairly well and the color I see on screen matches the output on our JV3 almost exactly. Whenever I get around to investing in doing our own media profiles I'll actually...
  18. Mimaki ?

    We run the daylights out of our JV3 and have had zero issues with it (well, over a quarter-million square feet later and we just lost our first nozzle about a week ago, can't tell, prints still look awesome). It's fast enough if you're not an ultra-high-volume shop, color and print quality rock...
  19. Printing two-sided Banner

    there's no real way to do it on the machine or through your RIP per se. Just put a mark on the outfeed platen about 6-8" down from the origin point, feed your material exactly to that, start printing. When the print is done, feed well past that mark, cut off, take it to the table and measure the...
  20. Photoshop Image Size for Large Images

    I agree, given that it is window perf you can get away with reducing the resolution quite a bit. A couple weeks ago we finished a perf job that was 18'x36' and the file was built at 50dpi, when printed they looked like a million buckes, even up close.