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Search results

  1. Large banner help 4 ft x 20 ft

    You might want to learn photoshop then, there are things you just cannot do in any other program, at least do as well. Photoshop is an extremely powerful design program if used correctly.
  2. Large banner help 4 ft x 20 ft

    Knock the resolution down to 75dpi, it'll print fine.
  3. Software you love!

    We just have Cad Tools which is a plugin that adds some basic cad drawing functionality to AI. I really just use it mostly for the dimensioning and labeling aspects. www.hotdoor.com is the website. It's not a full-blown cad program nor does it convert illustrator to one, but if you find yourself...
  4. Software you love!

    Oh, can't forget Pandora! And I gotta' give props to GraphixCalc too! Especially version 2 hint hint (-:
  5. Software you love!

    Cad Tools for Illustrator Illustrator RocketDock Love/Hate relationship: iTunes
  6. Going green... Really

    Something's wrong with either your printer or mine, because green switch on or off, ours does a sleep clean as it should.
  7. Going green... Really

    We power off all of the computers, laminator, plotter and our JV3 (front green switch only) evey night. We started doing it about 6 months ago and immediately saw about an average 15% decrease in power consumption on our bill without changing anything else. Not sure if the mimaki really saves...
  8. Contest/Design Off Idea

    My bad, I totally forgot we were moving the business the week of this contest or I wouldn't have thrown my hat in. Sorry Joe, that sucks on my part, I gotta' bow out... ugh. Moving sucks.
  9. Contest/Design Off Idea

    I'm in, sounds like fun. I was actually messing around with Old English the other day thinking it's a really beautiful font when used right. Is the goal to break all the rules and make something that looks good, or break all the rules and make something that looks bad?
  10. Recycleing old cartridges?

    ROFL, that's safe! Any leads as to who recycles the cartridges and how much they pay for them?
  11. New JV33-160

    Where at? We're semi in the market for this.
  12. An UNVERIFIED Warning about CS3 and CS4

    I can't believe a company of Adobe's size would be so stupid that they would sell a product thwt would do this, they must know ALOT of their users are either running mirrored drives or would occasionallly or regularly back up their drives. But i do blieve it, they're getting more and more...
  13. welder

    Thanks everybody for the help, I really appreciate it! I guess I'll be going shopping next week...
  14. welder

    I doubt we'd ever weld anything over 1/8" honestly. Over that and it'll probably be something structural and I'd rather pay the pros to do it right. I'd just like to make some material racks and shelves, stuff like that. Does the miller 140 require gas? I was thinking it did but I may be...
  15. welder

    I'm thinking of picking up a little spool-fed mig welder for some light repair and fabrication work, nothing major, mostly sheet metal and light tubing. We've been without one for a long time and have been outsourcing any welding work to a local shop... they do great work but it's a pain to have...
  16. price of ink going up 30%?

    Negotiate better pricing from another vendor. We pay way under list price for our inks now.
  17. Setting up gradients for printing

    Just out of curiosity, try converting the 485 red from a spot color to process, it should look the same on screen and the printout should look better too. I don't know the technical jargon for this instance, but typically, if we're producing a gradient using spot colors or a spot to process...
  18. Where to buy printheads?

    Go with your dealer. You can get them for less at CMYK parts.com, but speaking from experience, heads can be bad right out of the box, if your dealer supplied the head, they'll probably eat the labor to install the bad one, but if you provide a bad head, you're paying for two head swaps and that...
  19. Upscale Lot Sign posts

    I second the planter idea. We did a couple- like that once, but left enough space above the concrete so the customer could fill it with soil and plant plants in it. They looked really nice and there was no walking off with them...
  20. Franchises

    Signworld is legit, but I don't know how good it is. It's not your typical franchise in that you are independent and can do whatever you want, it's the franchise without the big name backer and brand recognition I guess. We've got two shops in our area that are part of the Signworld network. One...