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Search results

  1. TypeStyler Software

    Blast from the past is right! It was a great program for manipulating type back in the early and mid 90's. Made by Broderbund I think.:cool1:
  2. Just because.

    Perfect expression on the kid -- :munchie:
  3. Words I dislike, Sprinter & Matte black.

    good work:cool1:
  4. The old adage about skipping generations is TRUE, just look at the photos below.

    I just watched that last night on Netflix. I'm on episode 5 of season 1. I too was amazed at how much they look alike. That kid is going to be set for life with grandpa's gold mine!
  5. Won an iPad 2 but...

    I like the idea of paying it forward and giving it to a children's hospital. iPad 3 is supposedly going to be announced within a month so the value of the 2 is going to go down in people's minds very soon.
  6. data recovery service??

    I use Carbonite Premium on 3 computers for offsite constant backup, plus I have a server in the office which backs up those 3 computers every night automatically, plus 2 of those computers are ghosting to external drives on a constant basis. And I still worry! Data loss can be the most...
  7. Some of my work...

    Yep, nice stuff -- excluding the pink and purple car!
  8. Josh - BIGFISH (Shouting!!!)

    What is the Big Fish website address? I did not see it in the profile?
  9. Print Head Doctor

    Thanks for this info. I was looking at this as a possible purchase. So again, THANKS!
  10. Pumpkin thread. Post em up.

    that's extraordinary!
  11. Best Foodie Sign found at County Fair

    Wow! How tall is that? It's quite an engineering feat for a portable roof mount sign.
  12. Who wants an invitation to Google Plus?

  13. HP Designjet9000s printing problems

    Your magenta head could be failing. Did you run a nozzle check yet?
  14. Please keep my family in your prayers.

    Very true. ------- Sorry about your loss but thank you for the reminder to appreciate those around us.
  15. Heart stint tomorrow.

    I hope all goes well. I'm sure you are a busy guy so look at this as a forced vacation. Rest, watch some DVD's... And don't answer the phone!
  16. Help with Spanish translation...

    Si --- and that's about the extent of my Spanish. Actually it's for a car wash.
  17. Help with Spanish translation...

    JC -- Great tagline you have there -- Ha! ***All this information is coming from a glorified Print Technician and Vinyl Installer that is also a wannabe Designer. Take it with a grain of salt. ***
  18. Help with Spanish translation...

    Interesting how many different ways to say a 3 or 4 word sentence in Spanish.
  19. Help with Spanish translation...

    Thank you for taking the time to help. Most appreciated!!
  20. Help with Spanish translation...

    This Is what I got off Google: Put Car In Neutral -- Poner en coche Nuetral Foot Off Brake -- Freno de pie fuera Does that sound right?