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Search results

  1. Falcon II 64" outdoor Print head overcurrent error.

    Repair Manual Do you have the repair manual? If not send me your email on PM.
  2. Mutoh Junior plus

    Drivers I have the drivers I use for my USB Mutoh Ultima SC-850D Don't know if that would work for you. Send me your email address via PM if you want to try it.
  3. Mutoh aholic anonymous

    Hi I'm James and I am a Mutoh Junkie It started out me just being curious about large format printing I taped several 8x11 pieces together from my inkjet printer to resemble a poster...
  4. Mutoh Valuejet 1204 service manual

    VJ 1618 Manual w.junior Send me your email address, I'll send it to you. -James-
  5. HELP - Mutoh 1614 error- firmware?

    I don't own that model so let me know if what I sent was correct file.
  6. HELP - Mutoh 1614 error- firmware?

    Firmware Check your private Messages
  7. Falcon Jr Two handed lever release

    Paco is the Mutoh Master Paco That worked great! It never showed “AJST: Measure High” however it is now set so as to allow me to use the lever. Which adjustments do you perform on a regular basis to obtain the best prints? Have you owned a Falcon Jr. for a long time? If you ever publish...
  8. Falcon Jr Two handed lever release

    Auto set for home position? Paco - I run the printer with the right cover removed as it is easier to keep it clean that way. As for the home adjustment I have set it in 100 increment from -100 to -2150 and get the same results. Is there a way to have the printer auto set the setting that's...
  9. Falcon Jr Two handed lever release

    101ers - I have purchased two Mutoh Falcon Jrs in the past 6 months and both units have the same quirk. My son who has been in this sign making industry for many years got me hooked on wide format printing and it has been a great learning experience on refurbishing these older units. The quirk...
  10. hapycmpr

    Artbot You seem to be the expert on homebrew Butyl Carbatol and acetone. It appears to make it...

    Artbot You seem to be the expert on homebrew Butyl Carbatol and acetone. It appears to make it stronger you ad more acetone, so is there a danger to using straight acetone? Thanks
  11. Flexi not printing registration marks on a Mutoh falcon Jr

    Problem fixed another shows up Black head fuse blown - replace fuse, registration box now prints Thanks all Now while I print it goes to 85% in flexi and the print head stops. No more printing unless I reboot flexi and the Mutoh. Prints one image and then stops at 85% on the next. Any Ideas
  12. Wer is the head fuse located on my mutoh falcon?

    101 older post Check out the older post http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?80531-Print-Head-Fuses&highlight=head%20fuse Use a 15 watt solder pencil don't need to remove the board and with Radio shack I have installed a 1 amp fuse in 5 min for under $10.00.
  13. Flexi not printing registration marks on a Mutoh falcon Jr

    Bob Thanks for responding. Yes I used the contour cutthrough the effects menu before the first message, but I tried it through thearrange menu after reading your post. I get the same result, Flexi’s screenshows the Mutoh black rectangle around the image I want to cut, but when I go to Ripand...
  14. Flexi not printing registration marks on a Mutoh falcon Jr

    I want to print on my Mutoh Falcon Jr so I can cut on my Mutoh SC850D plotter. So when I open Flexi 8.1 and choose Rip and print > contour cut > Advanced > Contour > Registration Marks > Mutoh. Then I go back to general tab, I see the black box around my printable image which I believe is my...
  15. diognostic moe on my mutoh falcon?

    5.2.2. Starting Up To use the self-diagnosis function, you should first display the self-diagnosis menu on the operation panel. The self-diagnosis menu is completely independent of the normal operation mode and self-diagnosis display mode. To call up the self-diagnosis menu, follow the steps...
  16. E076 - PG Origin Error???

    E076 Error The manual has this to say... I don't own this machine so I can't help other that to research E 076 Error PG CR origin The HD_SLIDE home position cannot be detected. (1) Check the HD_SLIDE sensor via “Sensor/HD_SLID E” of the selfdiagnostic function 2• Make sure that...
  17. Flexi not printing registration marks, Why

    Once contour option is selected the bottomoption reads “As separate jobs”, “print job only” and “contour job only”. “Asseparate jobs” is selected. Also there are three options for Mutoh.One is “Mutoh”, one is “Mutoh 2”, and the other is “Mutoh Multiple Segments”. Ihave just the “Mutoh” selected...
  18. Flexi not printing registration marks, Why

    Flexi 8.1 will show registration marks but wont print the marks to my Falcon Jr so I can't cut on my Mutoh SC850D. Can you think of any reason?
  19. Falcon Outdoor Jr need Part

    Cheap Head Where did you find the best price?
  20. Falcon Outdoor Jr need Part

    Greased Lighting Greased Lighting isnt' that fast. Your awesome!! I visited CMYK parts and did a "MUTOH" search and never came up with this, but look at you. Thanks.