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Search results

  1. Gun threads

    http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/04/Dems-push-eight-bills-gun-control http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/04/CA-gun-sales-up-crime-down...
  2. need advise on how to word a post card

    Tell them that you are available to handle anything that they need . And send them some magnets or day planners with your info on them... Beat the bushes and go meat some of them. If there are any companies with fleets , go meet them and take them some samples.
  3. Gun threads

    Criminals / Thugs and Liberals will not harass , steal , bully , molest and or mess with an armed citizen . A proven fact ! States with conceal / carry have less than half the crime as the states with strict gun laws . ( Illinois,Wash. DC ,New York....) And on a similar subject... States...
  4. honestly. how do you price multiple cut letters and numbers

    That's easy.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l91ISfcuzDw Might be a little high though. :omg2:
  5. accepting credit cards II (non swipers)

    Is that Baby New Year :clapping:
  6. it's the final countdown: Chantix and the New Year

    I quit about 20 times a day ! :ROFLMAO: I have tried quitting several times over the years and the longest period was about 3 -4 weeks. It is getting hard to smoke some places I have to work due to " Tobacco Free Campuses " I use the electronic cigs and Snus when I have too. And when it gets...
  7. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Merry Christmas Fred and Family Best wishes to all. David
  8. May you all have a great and safe holiday!

    Back atcha ! And to everyone ... Have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year :toasting: :clapping:
  9. Question for parents with teen girls.

    :toasting: Ok Thanks I thought maybe I was just so out of the loop. I am not the Lone Ranger then :doh: I have become the "Old Crumudgen " that I said I would never be :banghead:
  10. Question for parents with teen girls.

    Can anyone explain what the " Mustache" clothes and jewelry phone accessories means or stands for ? :help
  11. Its been nice knowing you all

    Burned potato !!! That is totally unacceptable !!! If it had happened here,they would have assaulted the server ,and maybe run them over with a car. I have seen in the news people calling 911 when micky d's was out of mcnuggets ! :ROFLMAO:
  12. Hello from Germany

    Hi from Atlanta Ga Sounds like you do a wide variety.
  13. hello from california bay area

    Hi from Atlanta
  14. pedal go-kart looking boring

    Very cool .
  15. summa refuses to cut this file correctly!!!

    Same thing happens with my Summa DC4s Every so often it prints and cuts way off. Reset printer in menu then shut down, restart and all is good with the same file... Maybe buffer memory is the problem ? Let us know if you find out.
  16. Another sick lunatic in the USA

    http://www.courant.com/sns-rt-us-china-stabbingsbre8bd065-20121213,0,5592318.story Crazy is crazy.....
  17. Husqvarna Shop layout...can it get any more boring!

    Maybe you can make the letters look 3-D http://www.iconarchive.com/show/hyperion-icons-by-icondesigner.net/3D-Fonts-icon.html Just an idea
  18. College is replacing the sexist Men Working signs with Crew Working

    :ROFLMAO: http://www.tubelyrics.org/listen_eQ8tUOkSWNU/donnie_iris_i_can_t_hear_you http://www.seekasong.com/lyrics/Donnie_Iris-I_Can_t_Hear_You.html
  19. Got 1st time burn done lol

    Half the money means you did not lose money... Still did not make any though. Keep bugging him and .... Don't be ashamed of contacting the long time friend if it comes to that.
  20. Loyalty Cards

    No ...but you can do them Plastic card printers are cheap. And if you can sell , you can open a new product line. Make Access badges and gift cards.