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  1. New to this Forum

    Hey Rudy, Welcome aboard, have a very Merry Christmas, and prosperous New Year.
  2. Hello New Member Here

    Hi Dan, Welcome to Signs 101, from a sometimes screen printer, who now does as little as possible, more neon than anything right now.
  3. Who Are You?

    After 44 years of this crazy thing called the sign business, I currently own and operate a small wholesale neon shop in North Carolina. I enjoy the weather here much better than in the cold northern Adirondacks. I occasionaly do some hand lettering just to keep in practice.
  4. I am a virgin

    Welcome aboard Randy, hope you like it here, anybody that likes snow can have my share.
  5. Hi From Bluttr!

    Hi, bluttr, Welcome aboard, nice race car. I used to letter race cars the old fashioned way, you know with a brush, on the Northern Nascar circuit a few years ago. Keep up the good work and good luck.
  6. Hello from Big D

    Hi Bill, Welcome aboard. Dave if he gets real on the Mexican food, get the fire hose out.
  7. Air bubbles under vinyl

    I have been told that they do dissappear, with sunlight and time. Actually, I think that a lot depends on just how sincere you are and how gullable your customer is.
  8. Hello everyone

    Roll out the barrel, blow the bagpipes, Mark is now on board, WELCOME
  9. New and lost

    Hi, Steve, Welcome aboard. You can learn a lot here, if you don't find what you need, just ask. I'm not into all this computer jazz, but I sure have learned some neat things. My bag is neon and screen printing. nodrenim
  10. N

    Comment by 'nodrenim' in media 'Maple View Farms'

    Congrats, you do very good work, from a 44 yr. veteran in this crazybisiness. nodrenim
  11. Hello

    Hi, smullen, Welcome to our little family, hope you like the neighborhood. We all try, in one way or the other, to be of help, when asked. Good luck in your new venture, I've come to like this crazy business a whole lot in the past 44 years. nodrenim
  12. New Guy

    Welcome Raleigh, Come in the house and sit a spell. Hope you enjoy our company. nodrenim
  13. From Salt Lake City

    Hi Marco, Welcome from North Carolina, Good luck and above all else, HAVE FUN! nodrenim
  14. Hi from the sunny UK

    Hi from the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of north western North Carolina. nodrenim
  15. New Member Welcome

    Hi, Bob welcome aboard and as always, Good Luck. nodrenim
  16. Customer Types

    Fred, My friend, after 44 yrs. in this biz, I could go all nite on this one. How about the guy with the 4'x8' menu boards for his drive in joint and wants a better price because of all the "practice" you'll be getting? Or the one who needs a certain size letter on his truck so he can get through...
  17. Hello everyone!

    Hi, Matt, Welcome from an old geezer in NC who used to live in upstate NY. 48 yrs worth. St. Lawerence, Clinton an Otsego Counties. Too much snow and cold for me. Good luck, keep the faith and buy a good lettering brush. Nodernim
  18. Hello from NH

    Hi, Yori, Welcome to the craziest business in the world. I've been in it for 43 years now. Now I do mostly neon bending in N.C. Worked in Maine and N.H. It's great country, but too cold for me. Have a great career. Nod Renim
  19. N

    Comment by 'nodrenim' in media 'Wet Concrete'

    What do ya mean wet concrete? It looked hard to me.
  20. Can you tell me which font this is?

    They are new to me, just might be a custom designed letter style. Nodrenim