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Search results

  1. Update on Arlo

    I haven't been on this site for a while, am sorry to hear about Arlo. My thoughts and prayers go to all of the family. Sounds like my history with major surgery. It can be a long road. Good Luck, Arlo and keep us posted on the progress.
  2. He's Home... Finally :-)

    Been there, done that with the dr. thingy. I fired one several years ago turned out he was part duck. Then I got involved with another Dr., along with a trauma center, wound up firing both of them. Then they tried to scam my insurance co. for a bunch of money. Glad to hear everything is coming...
  3. Teacher Called About My Son

    One of the major keys to happiness in life, is being able to do something you really like doing and getting paid for it. Having two or more totally different talents can be a curse or a godsend. If something happens and you have to change courses in life for whatever reason, it's always nice to...
  4. Frank Frazetta, Fantasy Illustrator, Dies at 82

    surf city + 1. I have thought those very same things many times. RIP
  5. Would like some feedback - wrap for my shop van...

    Regardless of what you do, DROP THE TAGLINE! Everyone and his brother will try to chop you down. If you can't say it in seven words or less, don't say it. I like Jillbeans layout and if the tagline on Joe Diaz's layout falls off, that would be a good layout also. When you advertise low rates...
  6. Satellite Truck

    Nice job! You have avoided the more art to less copy jobs that seem to be the rule. The main message is very clear and legible.
  7. just a little ticked off this morning

    gabagoo, now might be the time to place a very prominent sign on the wall that states that you are not responsible for color matches from signs more than 24 hours old.
  8. N

    Comment by 'nodrenim' in media 'julie'

    Very, Very Nice! Oh to be so talented.
  9. Screen printing signs... cobwebs?

    If possible keep relative humidity at 75%, year around.
  10. Finally Got My Channel Letters Up!

    Hate to have to tell you, but neon when properly done will outlast LED's by a very large margin and operate at less cost. Let us know how it works a year from now.You have a nice looking store front, one to be proud of for sure.
  11. Old sign

    You sure can tell that they didn't use computers back then. Can you imagine that store front with interior illumination? I would like to see more of these old signs. Gone but not forgotten.
  12. Hey! Jill's sign in SignCraft!

    Jill, glad to see you made the big time. Glad you posted the final pics, as Steve's link wouldn't let me in. Now you know that advertising doesn't cost, it pays! Good luck to a very nice lady.
  13. Routing Black Locust...

    I have several black locust trees on my property that have had some wind damage and the fallen limbs are used for firewood. This is the first I have heard about them being toxic, but then I usually learn something new every day. It is true about the hardness, but it burns slowly and just...
  14. Homemade Coro One Color Screen Press

    I use paper package sealing tape that has a water based adhesive to seal my screens to the frames for any solvent based inks, cheap and durable. Also some retarder thinner helps a bunch with the screen clogging problem.
  15. Wood look substrate

    Dang, jairby you beat me by a minute.
  16. Wood look substrate

    Check with someone who does engraved plastic signs, they should be able to help you. I am familiar with what you are talking about, but it's name eludes me also. The material is made in contrasting color layers and when engraved, the top layer is removed to reveal the second layer's color.
  17. Naz-Dar Question

    I have used acetone to clean out clogged areas, if it is a case of small characters, a q-tip dipped in whatever solvent you are using works well for me. Sometimes you will need to make a small pad of paper towel to hold on the back of the screen when using the q-tip, as this will absorb the...
  18. Wholesale work for local individuals

    Just remember, today's small order might be tomorrow's really big order. Just my 2 pennies worth. Peace
  19. Wine Logo

    How about a picnic type basket with the grapes flowing out one end with two bottles of wine sticking out the other end, with the Raw Wines copy on the front of the basket? Sorry, I don't have the necessary tools to post a rendering for you. Just my 2 pennies. BTW, Jill, I like the new look! Peace
  20. Anyone ever heard of Ulano® Plasti-Cut Sta- Sharp

    Ulano also has a water based hand cut film, Ulano-cut green water soluable, IIRC. it adheres with water, is used with solvent based inks.