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Search results

  1. New Member!!!!

    Welcome aboard! Boy, after reading those posts, I'm glad I still know how to screen print.
  2. new menber

    Hey Dude, Welcome from a 68 year old! Hope you get to like the biz as much as I have over the past 45 yrs.
  3. "Green" with Envy!

    Welcome from NC. Used to live in the northeast myself.
  4. Hello

    Welcome bluemando, anyone who plays mandolin has my respect, my poor ol' mando is about to give out. Even before I could learn to play. Oh well better days are coming, I hope.
  5. New Guy Introduces Himself

    Welcome aboard, CNY I used to live in NNY myself. Found the south more to my liking, much too cold in the north, you know.
  6. Hi all...

    Welcome aboard Fred, work hard, make lots of money.
  7. Hello

    Welcome BIX, Judging from your signature, I think you are going to fit right in.
  8. Signworks of Algoma says: HELLO

    Hey, If it feels good and looks good, do it! Welcome aboard from North Carolina. Best of luck on your new venture.
  9. Howdy

    Welcome newcomer, hope you like it here more and more as time goes on.
  10. New to Signs101

    Welcome friends, we all have to start somewhere, sometime, somehow, even me. Hope you have much success. I've been in the business 45 years and most of it has been a blast. You will get much help here, all you have to do is ask.
  11. Aloha

    Regardless where you're from come on in the waters fine. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  12. How's Business?

    My gross sales are alreaady more than last year and we all know what day this is. So with that said I hope to do much better in 2005.
  13. Hello from the panhandle of Texas

    Will, Welcome from N.C. May the great sign god always smile favorably upon you.
  14. N

    Comment by 'nodrenim' in media 'DGdecal'

    I like the feeling of raw power.
  15. Old man from suffield ohio

    Hi Dennis, Welcome aboard, if you ever want to put a neon sign in one of those caskets let me know. Hope you like it here.
  16. What's Most Important?

    Personally, I find each and every aspect of this great thing called the sign business, to be interesting and very often most beneficial. Thanks for a great site, Fred
  17. New Member

    Hi Elise, Welcome from N.C. and an old timer who got started in this crazy business in a little town named Houma, Louisana in 1960. Small world huh?
  18. Well Hello There! Newbie from WI

    Hi Tom, Welcome aboard, hope you like it here. Actually I think Fred has been around since I found Moses in the bull-rushes.
  19. Well Hello

    Welcome Erik, from an old man in N.C.Here's hoping you get as much from this as the rest of us seem to get, Good Luck and God Bless
  20. Hi from Northwest Florida

    Hi Southpaw, Welcome to the zoo. I'm sure that in a short while you will fit right in.