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Search results

  1. I'll be darned HP printheads

    Someone told me. So whoever it was say, "I TOLD YOU SO.". - The other day I was printing and the guard that holds the substrate down lifted up a tiny bit, enough to snag a printhead and pull the magnetic strip off of it. Actually 2 printheads. I very quickly changed the 2 printheads out...
  2. artwork

    OH EMM GEEE. I got a customer that gave us clean artwork. But the graphic artist who created it, did a really crappy job with it. They created a hexagon out of rectangles instead of just drawing a hexagon. They layered the hexagon twice. so that when you pull apart the image there is a black...
  3. standoffs

    So, I'm curious. Is there a template where standoffs should go on all signs? like 1/2 inch from top and 1/2 inch from side?
  4. pop up wall

    I need a printed cover to go on a pop up wall. Where can I get it?
  5. HP315

    On the printer there are 2 guards that will hold the media down while it's printing to prevent lifting up. I think they are a pain and usually have them moved out of the way. I've even removed one. I placed it back a while back. I was printing a banner earlier and I had moved the guard back...
  6. arlon 3170 laminate

    arlon 3170 is my favorite laminate. It's cast and it is thin and pretty inexpensive. We have noticed recently that the lamination seems to be separating from the vinyl. Does anyone have any insight as to why it's separating?
  7. the hook up

    Does anyone know where we can get alcohol in bulk with perhaps local shipping? The shipping for alcohol kills us and I'm tired of wiping walmart out every time I go in there.
  8. Cool things

    My shop is 5 minutes from Johnson Space Center (NASA) in Houston. I just got an order for some decals..they are going into space! my company will be OUT OF THIS WORLD! LOL
  9. what happened?

    So, this has happened to me twice now in the past week. I am using Flexi with my HP315. I load up my items to print. I save and then rip and print. When it starts printing, it prints something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Like I've never seen it before. I was printing a window perf for a dumpster...
  10. One up on Gino

    Gino posting his unreasonable customer made me think of a pseudo customer yesterday. I'm still baffled at this one: The guy called last week and told me he wanted a decal for his motorcycle. It was 3 inches by 8 inches. He wanted multiple decals of the same thing because he understood the idea...
  11. Liquid laminate

    I've never used liquid laminate before. Can I use it on auto wrap material for a boat? We are looking to use 30 inch auto wrap and don't want the waste on the roll laminator. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. uv printer

    So. can anyone tell me the good, the bad, and the ugly of a UV printer? TIA
  13. probably a rookie mistake

    I have this logo that I print for a customer that I need help with. If it's a jpeg, it doesn't seem to be a problem. But when it's a pdf, I will inevitably get one where the magnifying glass is black like in the attached picture. It does have a gradient in it. But if you notice, one of the pdf's...

    Anyone have an idea what this font is?
  15. acrylic question

    So, I have done a few acrylic signs for indoor, but not too many. Especially now that they are used for everything. I have a few questions that I'm really just asking about what you guys do in the way of pricing out items. I have a customer who wants a 3'x5' sign with standoffs. I found a local...
  16. preset for hp315

    I just got oralite 5600 for my printer but the preset doesn't work for my 315. Does anyone have any ideas on an alternate preset that I could use instead?
  17. fat heads

    Is there a wholesale supplier that can do fatheads? I did a few for a soccer team this week and the cutting of the coroplast wasn't that bad but they just didn't look "professional" enough to me. The customer didn't seem to mind because it was for seniors and they are onlygoing to use them for a...
  18. crazy question

    Does anyone know the rhyme or reason to how plotters plot? I watch it cut out one letter and then go all the way to the other end and cut another letter..
  19. name badges

    I came across a wholesaler that sells these name badges but I forgot which one it was. Does anyone have a contact for printed badges like this one?
  20. wholesale printing

    Does anyone have any contact information for wholesale printing of items like wall calendars, pens, HR giveaway type of items?