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yeah these cars are popular overseas where the roads are small and tight and gas is expensive. You think our cost per gallon is bad here? Just check out European prices
You sound like a bitter 70 year old man. Funny how when someone else has an "opinion" that differs from yours, they are "idiots". You put down everyone who disagrees with you. Fact.... my professors are probably nearly as old as you are but they supposedly don't know what they are talking about...
Merely because it comes out your mouth, does not make it fact. Your opinion is not shared by many. EVERY person in our college design department would have failed you in typo class for your logic especially if you handed in an assignment with what you purport to be true
As others have said, if you want THE fastest without spending too much just load up on high quality components, build it (a PC, not a Mac) yourself. Most of the high end parts will have uncommon names. Not HP's, Dells, or Toshiba off the shelf units
Yeah but like anything else, what does the customer know? That is overkill. I bet had you printed these with 200dpi images they would have never noticed the difference. Many images in magazines are 266-300lpi
Unless the art has 12point type the files do not need to be 600dpi when the final is...
Sorry Jill, but I think yours looks more cluttered. The starburst takes up the space near the logo. I was always told to give a logo some breathing room. In fact many graphic standards manuals for logos have a safe zone or no encroachment zone surrounding a logo so that the focus is not taken...
It should take you less than 10 minutes to recreate (trace) those 5 letters, saving you $275 minus your time. Even if you bought the font it would take longer to fiddle around to make it match up just right
As soon as you said "i live paycheck to paycheck", the rest was a blur. If you are starting your own business, this is definitely something that needs to change beforehand. Will you be charging everything in order to buy equipment? What happens when the business takes a while to bring in enough...
Yeah the sign world is very PC biased unlike most every other creative field. Probably because plotters would not run on Macs due to the lack of proper ports or software in order to do so.
Most creative fields still prefer macs
That is a bit of stretch don't you think. Actually the Macs will cost less in the long run, IMO. Why not learn on the best:popcorn:
I like to call it, lower cost of ownership. This will become a mac/pc debate again but at least they won't need some IT guy worrying about malware/spyware...
I cannot imagine custom work being done this way. I could see the theme wraps being done, but not ones that require incorporating custom logos/design. How is the customer going to be able to do that through the dealer
If you look at the Ford wrap site brought up before, those are mostly more...
There is alot more than just material costs with each sign or shirt. Quit looking at the $50 in material for the $200 sign and thinking you are profiting $150
When you say put in a little free time... are you hiring someone so you won't have to work? So you think you can work at this part time...
Seriously that is one of the tackiest things I have ever seen. Might work in a themed restaurant or bar or maybe a basement themed room but your own kitchen?! It totally clashes with everything in the room
To each his own I guess
OK, just to be clear... I am not accusing you as much as saying that your "clipart" is not really original or public domain. That is the problem with some clipart, you don't know where it originally came from. It is best to create it yourself to avoid this
I think he got you there. Your stitching matches up to the stitching on the SF ball pretty much exactly. You or someone changed the halftone dots to a solid but the stitching is a match. And that is not a typical stitch of a baseball but rather someone's stylized interpretation
As part of my...
How much is your time worth? You have spent the time dealing with the customer. You have materials and overhead. Open and or create a file for him. Set up, production, billing, etc. And now you have taken the time to post this thread and wait for answers? You are probably already losing money...
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