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Search results

  1. Opinion I think a light bulb just went off today................................................

    you think some of the questions here are bad you should go to FB for a good laugh - the vinyl groups are hilarious
  2. What to do about 'Rivets from Hell!'?

    check out rivet sealer 3000 works for me _ I hate rivets
  3. Avoiding wrinkles over rivets

    rivet sealer 3000 works for me check it out
  4. Gerber Edge II printing issue

    do you have the latest firefire and material updates ? most jobs i do now i make a rectangle with solid fill at the start of prints to allow for printhead warmup and i can see if its going to print OK ( 11.8x1 inch) agree with setting the heat up too
  5. shipping Favorite / most Reliable

    so what's your favorite / most reliable shipping method ( parts , supplies , customers )- FEDEX - UPS - UPS GROUND - USPS something else ? I shipped a power supply from PA to CA on Monday at 8:00 am said Thursday or Friday delivery got an E mail Friday the item was delayed due to Covid in china...
  6. Looking for.. Replaceable letter for exterior sign

    geminisignproducts.com signsplusbanners.com
  7. Need Help Where to send in Graphtec FC7000mkt 160 Main board? to be fixed?

    try calling plotter doctor 562-633-4132 they are fixing a power supply and a main board for me now - let you know how it goes they'll at least tell you over the phone if they can help
  8. HTV on YETI Hopper (bag cooler)?

    Stahl's or specialty materials will point you in the right direction
  9. Laser Engraver Products Wholesale

    scottmachinecorp.com for plastics , tags, nameplates and that kind of stuff
  10. HTV on YETI Hopper (bag cooler)?

    get a piece of similar fabric from a fabric store and try on that - they do make Xtra ver. of HTV for heat sensitive fabrics - leather , nylon , spandex - lower temp and 3 sec press time
  11. Background Removal Software

    not the only ones but its a start .... Top 17 Free Background Removal Software InPixio Remove Background - Simple background removal GIMP - A top choice for professionals Inkscape - Cross-platform software for background removal Background Eraser - Quick background removal PhotoMix - Supports...
  12. Gerber omega 7.0

    7.0 zoom class by gerber https://gerbertechnology.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8XyAsNJtQgCPkwGNL42CCQ
  13. Gerber omega 7.0

    this will give you an idea of cost depending what you need OMEGA 7.0 PS Software KitT11205$995.00OMEGA 6.5-to-OMEGA 7.0 Upgrade (via GSP)T11207$345.00 OMEGA 6.5 PS/ER/IR to OMEGA 7.0 CPT11212$1,295.00ADDOMEGA 4.0-6.0-to-OMEGA 7.0 Upgrade (via GSP)T11213$545.00ADDOMEGA 4.0-6.0 PS/ER/IR/LS to...
  14. Background Removal Software

    android phones have this function - send it to a phone , remove the background and send it back . easy and free to android users
  15. Gerber omega 7.0

    tools -> fit text / shapes to path in 7 , harder to do but do the small text first , add to the work space then do the text/shape to path . round about way to do it
  16. 4ft Wood Stake with slit in middle

    I've seen something similar in PVC at my fence supply store but not wood
  17. Gerber omega 7.0

    mine was just a USB (upgrade 6.5 -> 7 ) , plugged in in and followed the directions . updated my dongle and software to 7 with no issues some older ver. of omega need a new dongle hence the difference in pricing
  18. Gerber omega 7.0

    mine was just a USB (upgrade 6.5 -> 7 ) , plugged in in and followed the directions . updated my dongle and software to 7 with no issues some older ver. of omega need a new dongle hence the difference in pricing