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Search results

  1. PhotoShop Interface

    Corel has a feature called 'auto trace' which is specifically designed to do what you mentioned.....trace the edge of a bitmap image and convert it to a vector image (dot to dot). The only problem is....that process can be difficult because the edges of bitmap images or raster images can be...
  2. Hiker, Stimpson, or Fastsnap Grommet Machine ?

    replicator.....it's too late man....you can't cover it up now. You've been busted brother.....in a full blown love relationship with your grommet machine. I don't know but I'll bet that's against the rules at Signs101 !! :Cool 2: LOL
  3. PhotoShop Interface

    It seems if Illustrator will cut...........then so would CorelX3 ??
  4. Hiker, Stimpson, or Fastsnap Grommet Machine ?

    "love it" :help: How can you love a grommet machine ? :smile:
  5. PhotoShop Interface

    Will Corel Draw drive the cutter without Co-Cut ??
  6. PhotoShop Interface

    What's the best price on Co-Cut out there ?? Anyone on this forum have it for sale ?
  7. help with master by desay

    I type easily 80 wpm and sometimes hit speeds of 120 to 130 words per minute (as compared to a typical 30 to 45 wpm). Went to Missouri state typing contest for sheer speed when I was in school. I'm sorry you all have to put up with my chatter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I type way too fast for my own...
  8. new @ 50

    Another way of looking at it might be not so much "can" you succeed at 50.....but rather "will" you succeed ? I play guitar to some level of expertise better than most but nothing compared to what I call 'real players'. From time to time I have people say....."I'd like to play guitar" and...
  9. help with master by desay

    QUOTE: .........."buddy i have only seen one other poster here make as many posts as you in such a short time...and that is flamer and i myself wouldnt want to be linked with that even though he is improving but the overall tone of your posts....well you said you could take it." Thanks...
  10. help with master by desay

    Mistakes are learning experiences......and like buying something.....you always hope to get it at the lowest cost possible !!
  11. help with master by desay

    te....my bark is worse than my bite.....I know I'm an ass much of the time.....I'm trying to improve. Feel free to jump my case anytime I need it jumped - I can take it. my apology for unloading on you
  12. help with master by desay

    te.........I don't get any thanks for my help ?? <I'm kidding.......lighten up>
  13. help with master by desay

    so.....you're saying you're glad you bought the $300 plotter ? if your roland works fine why do you need a back up ? you prbly already know but here's the link to master by decay web & tech support: http://www.desaypc.com/
  14. help with master by desay

    Read thru this post http://signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=12770 and you'll find a post by replicator saying "don't buy master by decay" (or whatever) I don't know but it's possible replicator has some experience with your brand of plotter. It couldn't hurt anything....maybe...
  15. help with master by desay

    Did you not get advise ahead of time ? Or you just didn't know ? Or did you get advise but didn't pay heed to the advise you got ? Maybe my lecturing will help you avoid the same thing happening again down the road. If so then you can view it as $300 spent on an education....money well...
  16. help with master by desay

    QUOTE: ".....but for the price at $300, I couldn't refuse" ??? You're kidding right ? Why didn't you look at it like......If I don't buy, I'll save $300 and can put that towards a machine that works. You spent $300 (now you're out the $300) and still don't have a machine that works...
  17. cheap plotters...

    replicator....what'chu talkin' about when U say "stay away from Master Plotters....it's cheap garbage" Your advise should have been...."go ahead buy it" by giving that type of advise....it guarantees there's one less sign maker in the industry as a valid competitor !! haaaaaaa LOL...
  18. cheap plotters...

    well said Mardi
  19. cheap plotters...

    simple answer would likely be........ Industrial use vs. Hobby use If you plan to use it for many years, make money with it, and use it several hours per day.........the real question is......"Why would you take the chance on a cheapie plotter " If it's just a hobby then it doesn't...
  20. Font?

    :Coffee: I'm holding off.....giving Fred a chance to "name that font".