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Search results

  1. brain fade

    Hey all, For some reason I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this simple task tonight. I am drawing a blank. I have a tall skinny group of objects. When I select the object group the bounding box shows. I want to take the top of the rectangle and make it 8 inches wide and the bottom...
  2. Computer dilemma - opinions needed

    Hello all, I currently have 2 signburst design station computers. Each one is at a different office. (1500 miles apart?) I spend 5 hrs on Sunday afternoon flying and 5 hrs flying on wednesday. This equates to alot of lost design time. I want to be able to design and work on files while...
  3. CHICAGO AREA - asap

    I am in the northwest suburbs and I have a job that the client has now requested to go with a silver vinyl. THis is all cut vinyl unless you can print silver. I do not do hardly any cut vinyl and do not want to purchase some for it to sit around. Would rather have someone cut it for me if they...
  4. Help redesigning our logo

    Hello all, We currently have a logo that I like. But I use the word like loosely. I like it but dont love it. I think it could use some tweaking. Here are my areas of concern. The A in altered with the circle around it. The word vinyl is small and the letters are small. I know I could just...
  5. XC 540 printing issue - banding?

    Hello all, I have a very large print I am trying to get done but for some reason any shade of black is coming out what I think is banded. At least thats what it looks like to me. Am I correct? Solid black comes out fine but anything that is a grey or lighter black looks bad. I am using Avery...
  6. vinyl installer needed

    Anyone from the Aransas Pass, Texas area that would be interested in installing some vinyl? Please email alteredimagevinyl@gmail.com
  7. Illustrator help

    Besides youtube is there any online courses worth looking at for illy? I am about 6 months in with it and havent even began to scratch the surface. I thought maybe someone may know of a online course or something that is good. Thanks in advance.
  8. stitch question when digitizing

    Hello all, First things first. We have a new machine that we just bought to play around with embroidery along with our vinyl company. At this point its a learning/hobby experience. We have Bernina software. The first couple images I digitized worked out fine (not fine as in stitch effects and...
  9. Illustrator question

    I have another question with Illustrator. talk about a learning curve.... Lets say I have a shape or image. Lets use a square for example purposes. I then want to place a photo from photoshop into the square but in order to place it where I need too there is parts of the picture that over hang...
  10. simple shape problem

    Not really a problem but I cant figure out the best way to do it. for example.... you have a oval with no fill. you have 2 vertical paths thru the oval which essentially divides it into 3 section. How can I join the oval and 2 paths so that I can fill just the center section between the 2...
  11. another font ID

    I hate trying to ID fonts by the way........
  12. font ID

    Can anyone tell me what these are? Please and Thank you in advance.
  13. Help with a sign

    Hello all, Not sure this is the correct placew to even post this but I use Adobe for my work. I have a customer that has a sign that is approx 5' x 5'. The sign is 5mm dibond and is all hand painted by a artist. The sign got hit and it bent a prtion of it and even tore the material. I need to...
  14. Help with a font? Or is it a 3d shape

    Can anyone tell me if this is a actual font or is it a font turned into a 3d shape? It also looks like a gradient used in the letters of some sort but maybe I am wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  15. XC-540 cut calibration help

    Hello all, I have a new to me machine that I just got Thursday. Tonight is th first time I have tried to print and cut.When it cuts it is not following the cut line. It off to one side. When I run the cut test it indeed it does leave the black on 2 sides. If run test 2 then I can clearly see...
  16. Design software suggestion

    Hello, We have just purchased our first wide format printer and are now buying the rest of what all is needed while we are waiting for the machine to be delivered. My question is what would everyone suggest for design software? Whats the best in your opinion and is the easiest to use and learn...
  17. New from Chicago Suburbs

    Hello all, Just found this site and it looks like a gold mine to me! I just purchased a Roland XC540 soljet III and a guardian laminator. Looking to learn and get my feet wet. Basically I have a niche market that I am working with. Of course we will do signs and stuff but want to focus on our...