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Search results

  1. RTA Vinyl?

    That is illegal if you get caught ! :ROFLMAO:
  2. Attention World...

    He was venting. I think he might have been trying to help / or explain something to a Darwin candidate.
  3. Attention World...

    Ding ! Ding ! Ding ! We have a winner ! :clapping: :omg2:
  4. Guess a pack of Marlboro's are included in the food group here in Pennsylvania

    Welcome to the New AmeriKa / spit ! http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2012/06/store_clerk_fired_for_refusing.html http://www.theblaze.com/stories/this-65-year-old-clerk-was-fired-for-refusing-to-sell-cigarettes-to-a-food-stamp-customer/ The lady deserves a medal !
  5. Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Went to a braves game last night (damn Phillies) Ok but boring game... After the Game Lynyrd Skynyrd played ! They were damn good. If anyone gets a chance they should go see them .
  6. 24 Years Ago

    40 ? I faintly remember 40. And unless you have "Super Genes", things start falling apart fast. Hope you have a great birthday..... And remember ,Old Age is a state of mind. :peace!:
  7. Needing a MM for Media Backdrops

    http://secure.mycart.net/catalogs/catalog.asp?prodid=4887028&showprevnext=1 http://www.us-canvas.com/ http://www.tarpsplus.com/canvastarps.html http://www.us-canvas.com/HTML/canvasCUT.html
  8. Appeal for us "Leftys"

  9. Appeal for us "Leftys"

    You SouthPaws quit whining and just learn how to become ambidextrous ! I can't use my left hand to do anything but... I don't have too ! Hahahahahahahaha It is a Right Mans World ... Get used to it. / sarc I had a friend that was ambidextrous and it was cool watching him do anything and switch...
  10. Just an FYI.

    I know this has been discussed here, but a new one popped up. The Church of the Good Shepherd in Vienna has filed a lawsuit against Fairfax County after being served with a notice saying its sign violated county code because the messages were changed more than twice in a 24-hour...
  11. Temporary Tattoos??? Who Makes em?

    Make them yourself http://www.silhouetteamerica.com/tattooSamples.aspx http://www.silhouetteamerica.com/specialtyMedia.aspx http://temporarytattoopaper.net/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1y4d-cmR1U
  12. Print on clear

    Use a thermal printer if it is not going to be laminated. Anyone with a Summa DC4 should be able to print it for you. :peace!:
  13. New around here

    Welcome from Atlanta . Good work on the LOGO design. :clapping:
  14. Isaac

    Everyone in Florida and also anyone else in the path of Isaac ,stay safe and take care of your family and neighbors . http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/future-hurricane-isaac-takes-a/70967 http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT09/AL0912W5.gif...
  15. Shooting in NYC near Empire State Building

    :goodpost: Law abiding citizens need at least a fair fight ! When only the criminal has a gun, the odds are you will be a victim ! Open carry and CCW states have almost no gun violence. (they have very little) :wavingflag:
  16. T.a.r

    Is there anyone near Atlanta that wants to apply for The Amazing Race with me wednesday ? Open casting call .
  17. Dumb question of the day.

    Start saving that backing paper to sandwich between the signs before you bundle them. Maybe stacking them to to store them will be ok but do not bundle until you ship.
  18. LEDs on banner?? Anyone?

    It's for a fiber-optic company so they want to showcase their product basically by using the LEDs.
  19. LEDs on banner?? Anyone?

    You could sew the lights ,wires, on with very thin fishing line. Or you could glue the lights , wires on the back and punch hole to pushthe LED to the front. More info on the type of LED's you will be using would help.