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Search results

  1. Grade 2 Braille?

    Where can this font be gotten? I have "braille" in CorelDRAW x5 but when I type in the wording, specifically numbers, it does not match the braille beads that are on the physical sign when it arrives. Usually it is loaded with the "number symbol" on my design but is not on the sign. I would...
  2. Who Prints heavy banner

    Looking for a vendor who can print on heavy banner material. Size: 7.6' x 12' QTY: 2 Material: minimum 18oz Thanks,
  3. Storage Vans?

    Parents live out in the country and have several 53' enclosed trailers "dry vans" & these have seen better days and they are looking to get some more. Have not been able to find them that are retired at a decent price that have the under-carriage (axles, jacks, etc...) removed. have also...
  4. Foam Lettering

    Needing someone whom has a CNC machine that can do 1" thick foam lettering and or wood, Have already contacted C & C Engraving unable to do it Gemini didn't have these fonts listed as an option. Here is what we received from the customer; Below are the specifications for the foam w/hard...
  5. Close but not good enough

    leaning towards Oregon LDO Black Oblique but its not exact and this job has to be an exact match. Thanks for the input
  6. Wall Sign Blanks?

    Afternoon, Looking for these sign blanks, we would be doing custom graphics on the blanks. Non of my suppliers have these (the ones that have gotten back to me that is) Thanks, EDIT: one of the other shop guys has done this before, used PVC board heated and cooled into desired shape.
  7. Number of fonts on PC?

    How many fonts do you keep on your design PC? currently have right at 6500 on one design machine. Think I'm going to weed them down and store the unused one on the NAS, its too many and slows down the machine
  8. double sided foam tape?

    Got a customer whom is using 3M double sided foam tape for interior signs, they now are going to be installing onto glass and are concerned that the tape can bee seen on the other side of the glass. Not a problem told them about using doubled sided optically clear VHB tape, they are concerned...
  9. Big File Tranfer?

    What programs are suggested for transferring larger files? not so much for us to send out (occasionally happens) but for customers to send in the files the magic 4 letter word is always preferred FREE Thanks,
  10. MLK Observance?

    With the MLK holiday coming up wondering who will be closed in observance.
  11. Shop Music?

    Been a rocker since can remember, godsmack, Metallica, seether, pantera, etc... Customer walked in while I had Disturbed - Down With The Sickness playing, and she commented on my "angry white boy music" and "is that a chicken squawking" So curious if and/or what type of...
  12. Hershey's Chocolate Warning!

    Looks Good, right??? DO YOU EAT HERSHEY CHOCOLATE? We were raised on HERSHEY chocolate as kids and even into adulthood. I will never eat it again. I hope from now on you will throw yours away...
  13. panaflex cabinet

    looking for a merchant who does panaflex 2S back-lit cabinets. the sign is looking to be either a monument mount or a pole mount about 36-48 inches off ground. Thanks,
  14. Evening, any ideas?

    Usually can identify the font with Corel's "whats the font?!" but this one is not playing nice. Thanks,
  15. Spirit Flags - 68D polyester?

    a local school is doing "spirit flags", 90cm x 150cm (3\' x 5\') does anyone do these or know where they can be obtained from? what is known or claimed from the customer; Not sure about the QTY that they want in total this is the 1st year and they have had to make several orders since they...
  16. ceiling directional signage?

    Is there a merchant member whom does these? or know of where they can be obtained from? They have to be an exact replica of the image, the wording will not be needed it will be applied at a later date as the wording/information is solidified. Thanks,
  17. Reflective coming out wrong color on vehicle

    A police department near the shop had some printed reflective decals done to its vehicles and the coloring is wrong. the coloring should be black/gray-scale, with the finished product coming out greenish. after some investigation the material that was used, best to our knowledge is: Orcal...
  18. Copyright - one time usage wording?

    A new customer/business had us create a logo, look for their new business. now the local newspaper called up asking for the artwork for an ad campaign the customer is fixing to run. Have no problem with this, and have done it for other customers without issue. what set off the red flag was the...
  19. Customers: can't have you cake and eat it to

    This was sent to not to long ago. Thinking of blowing it up, laminating and having this as the first thing the customer looks at.
  20. Customer created pricing.........

    Long, needed to vent Had a potential customer (one of the largest companies in that area) approach asking if we could do 15 banners, with custom sizes and custom frames that the banners are mounted on, totaling 768 SQFT of printed banner material at trade show print quality. They are making a...