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Search results

  1. Lobster Cheaper Than Deli Meat

    And yes the cheapest meat at my "Day job" deli is $4.00/lb. :clapping: My goal is to quit my Day job...
  2. Ok you Apple Sheep !

  3. Ok you Apple Sheep !

  4. Ok you Apple Sheep !

    That is all that matters. Some people are just the opposite . Proves my point also, say 1 thing not praising a Mac and it just pushes their buttons . :ROFLMAO: At least Apple is recognizing they are not above the being hacked and exploited. It is all good, too many people take too much...
  5. Ok you Apple Sheep !

    Take a chill pill :toasting:
  6. Lobster Cheaper Than Deli Meat

    An excess supply in Maine of smaller soft-shell lobsters has driven prices to under $4 a pound, the Associated Press reported this week, making the luscious sea creature cheaper than the per pound price of deli meat in some cases...
  7. Ok you Apple Sheep !

    I was not saying all apple users were sheep. But to the ones that are ...Haha You know as well as the rest of us that those smug ,arrogant whiny mac boys are very irritating . And not everybody with mac is like that .
  8. Npr

    You are alone. It is ok to listen to NPR,just do not admit it publicly .
  9. Mallard Duck

    Those Canooks spell as funny as they talk :ROFLMAO: / being sarcastic don't get mad
  10. Big Brother - and not from the gov't

    Cause Fred said so. And to keep it Peaceful here,this forum would not last a month if it got political.
  11. Mallard Duck

    I think the Guy from Fast & Loud can fix that . http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-shows/fast-n-loud/videos
  12. Mallard Duck

    :ROFLMAO: Good eye
  13. Ok you Apple Sheep !

    It was more of a jab at the "Smug" attitude that apple sheep have . " They are better than everyone else " Apple sold a few million puters, not worth the hackers time, PC 's sold hundreds of millions....More fun for the malicious code writers. Apple has good products, just not worth the money...
  14. Ok you Apple Sheep !

    :ROFLMAO: Apple drops virus immunity claim for Macs Apple has dropped claims on its website that Mac computers do not get viruses, after hundreds of thousands of machines were hijacked by a Trojan. “In short, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.” :ROFLMAO...
  15. Place your bets

    I am picking the 20th And for some reason , July girls are smart ... Jessica will be 13 on the 20th
  16. Something for the embroidery guys

    Hey !!! That is political in nature !!!! Delete it now !!!! / sarc Very cool :wavingflag: I did not know they were still hand made .I assumed it was done on machines (in China ). :cool:
  17. Think you are having a bad day ?

    I was just thinking that job is the only one worse than mine . I feel for ya . We could get rich ,and write a weight loss book that works better than any other plan . ......Do our jobs for a week and lose 25 pounds !!!!! :ROFLMAO:
  18. Think you are having a bad day ?

    You just don't know how good you all have it . My day job is Commercial HVAC . 104 degrees ambient temp is bad , 124 bouncing off the roof is he!! So hot my drill stopped working and my phone face turned black . And one more day of call .... :smile: Good thing....I lost about 15 pounds...
  19. How far South....................

    How far are you from South Carolina ?
  20. Grimco has lost my business!!!

    I may have replied too soon , I did not see grommets on that web site .