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Search results

  1. Grimco has lost my business!!!

    CS Sign Supply/ formally Ciber Supply http://www.cibersupply.com/
  2. Pretty hot in the shop today!

  3. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    Depends on what you are printing with . It is the same thing as a humidifier that most shops use to control static , it also cools the air in the summer .
  4. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    You said no real heat, just sprays water mist out There are misting coolers and evaporative coolers ,they are not the same thing. In dry climates ,they work better than A/C ,in humid climates they suck bad .
  5. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    An evaporative cooler There is a difference . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaporative_cooler
  6. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    It will work for you sometimes , but middle Tenn is pretty humid alot. It will be great most of the time , when it is running and not cooling when humidity is above 70% just turn off the water pump and use the fan .
  7. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    no they do not .
  8. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    They work great in dry climates . Here is the low down . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaporative_cooler
  9. Pretty hot in the shop today!

    This might work for you guys . Cheaper than A/C , little maint...
  10. Debbie

    Very sad :( http://tampa.cbslocal.com/2012/06/26/girl-found-alive-in-dead-moms-arms-after-tornado-throws-them-from-home/
  11. Considering the "V" word...

    More to consider http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/story/2012-06-27/calories-low-carb-weight-loss/55843134/1
  12. Anyone want to trade likes on FACEBOOK?

    This cant be work related so...... This has got to be about the SEX !! :omg::covereyes: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2141977/The-boast-Bragging-Facebook-feel-good-sex.html http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57431630-71/boasting-on-facebook-can-feel-as-good-as-sex/
  13. Some of you are probably sick of seeing this design by now...

    Very Cool :cool1: :notworthy:
  14. Vinyl for cars

  15. New Shirt vendor maybe ?

    His cost of a 3.95 shirt. Maybe 1.50--1.75 ?
  16. New Shirt vendor maybe ?

    Those were on the corner at at exit ramp light, there were 6 signs at that intersection .All the same . It cost him 20 shirts to put those signs out. And to top it off, it is a pretty industrial area of town.
  17. New Shirt vendor maybe ?

    This is funny :ROFLMAO: Should I call them ?
  18. Flexi and HPL25500 ??? Any Better Now?

    Maybe your hubby can partition the HD and give you dual boot capabilities. We have it on our work computers , we still have some equipment that needs win95 Dual boot would seperate OS / ? just a thought
  19. Saturday Morning Jacka**

    :goodpost: That is how you handle people !
  20. Interior Mural

    :cool1: :notworthy: