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Search results

  1. Hi from Newtown, PA

    Hi from Atlanta
  2. Grimco Purchases Proveer

    :goodpost: Sometimes you have to just stand your ground and be a smart business owner / customer . In general, all companies in every field have let customer service not even enter the SOP of the daily operations. Bad service has gotten to be the normal , and I hate it. Service used to be...
  3. What is wrong with you people in Florida ?

    Update : Miami Cannibal Attack: Horrific Dangers of "Bath Salts" Drug The New LSD, But More Dangerous Banned in several states, bath salts contain amphetamine-like chemicals that have uniquely hazardous effects on the brain. “If you take the worst attributes of meth, coke, PCP, LSD and Ecstasy...
  4. Google to start charging companies for listings

    I mentioned that it was like a phone book now. Taking money for people to get listed ...and taking money from advertisers. The way i am seeing this playing out is when joe public searches for Banners, signs , anything else , if you are not paying google your shop will not come up in a search...
  5. neatdesk.... good or bad? alternatives?

    http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88976&highlight=neatdesk. http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90058&highlight=neatdesk. http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81416&highlight=neatdesk. /here ya go
  6. neatdesk.... good or bad? alternatives?

    I do not have one. But... Search the threads because it has been discussed before
  7. Setting up a simple network

    this is what I have. Works great .No issues for 2 years now http://www.seagate.com/external-hard-drives/desktop-hard-drives/goflex-home/
  8. Google to start charging companies for listings

    High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights...
  9. Help on lighted box install

    :goodpost: http://www.buildextapcon.com/ http://www.concretefasteners.com/anchors-fasteners/tapcon-screw/installation.aspx Here is a video to show you how easy !
  10. Canable or walking dead lovers.

    And you know this how ? I hope to never find out. But.... If it would get me on Survivor ... BON APPETIT ! :clapping:
  11. Client vanished on payment

    You could research the business and put a lien on the truck .? Or maybe a classified add stating that "Loser Trucking Company" did not pay for services and material from you. Or call his house and harass him .
  12. If Bill Clinton's life is made into a movie, he has a star in mind who could do the j

    On "Piers Morgan Tonight," the former president spoke with guest host Harvey Weinstein, the film producer, who brought the conversation back to movies, natch. Weinstein asked, if he made a movie, "Who would you want to play you, Mr. President?" Clinton seemed genuinely stumped and replied...
  13. Canable or walking dead lovers.

    :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :omg2: Or does chicken taste like us ? :ROFLMAO:
  14. Gotta check this out website

    That is any branch of the Government... City , State , Federal. ! They only take bids for the sake of looking like they want the best price. Most of the time, when bids go out, the decision has already been made.
  15. Canable or walking dead lovers.

    I am only going to drink bottled water from now on ! This is an epidemic !
  16. What is wrong with you people in Florida ?

    “We have seen, already, three or four cases that are exactly like this //// Update ?//// http://miami.cbslocal.com/2012/05/29/police-seek-witnesses-in-causeway-cannibal-attack/ http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-naked-face-eating-attack-20120529,0,2974308.story We now know...
  17. What is wrong with you people in Florida ?

    :ROFLMAO: :clapping:
  18. molding removal left holes

    You could fill the hole like you do on a wall . Use silicone , and wipe it flush and let it dry. Silicone will not hurt the paint and will rub off with you finger. Kinda like silicone Spackle . Just let it dry. Use your fingers to fill the hole and a clean finger to wipe it flush with the paint.
  19. Memorial Day 2012

    Those are hard to find. Most are from China . Like most everything else .
  20. what happend to windows picture and fax viewer

    I had the same thing happen with my work computer. And for some reason the VPN client does not work. Buncha bugs to work out as with all of Windows upgrades. Such is life.