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Search results

  1. Tutorials?

    I've had nothing but problems with rip & print. It always mis-colored things, the ICC profiles in it - In my experience are horrible. Plus, I found sometimes I get banding from Flexi that I wouldn't get from another rip - same material, same printer settings.
  2. New to Signs101

    Welcome from MD, I really like you're graphic! Looks very "spray paint can"-ish. If the younger crowd is what you're after - you definitely have it down.
  3. Tutorials?

    Blah, I don't get enough money as it is... Just starting the business, was hoping for free.
  4. Tutorials?

    Just curious, does anyone know of any good website tutorials for Flexi? I personally know it very well, I usually have time here to explain it to people, but some of my family would like to learn it - and usually don't have time with me to sit here and watch me run it. Anyway, I thought that...
  5. I'm not a magician

    I feel you're pain doctor.
  6. Flammable Placard

    I'm not quite sure why you would intentionally want it flammable :/
  7. Hey from NJ

    Welcome to :signs101: from MD
  8. Mega Ink from Fellers

    it ruins you're warrantee I'm told, if its out, go for it. If not, I wouldn't risk it. What if a head fails?
  9. Font id....

    yeah, I usually make Papyrus "thicker" to weed it - for vinyl installs
  10. Font id....

    Thats it!
  11. Font id....

    This is italicisized. That might be throwing you off. I can't think of what it's called eithier, but I can tell you I've seen it before.
  12. high from Ca.

    Welcome from MD
  13. Newbe

    Welcome from MD
  14. Rookie From DE

    Welcome from MD
  15. Newbie....Hey All!

    Welcome from MD
  16. New on Signs101

    Welcome from MD
  17. Font?

    Try Garamond
  18. hi everyone need some help

    I know how to do this in Flexi, but I'd almost need the flexi file, and walk you through it.
  19. New member, just sayin "Hi"

    I could use some of that beer right about now:wink: :beer
  20. New member, just sayin "Hi"

    Hi! If you guys need some Flexi help or Photoshop, Illustrator help, lemme know, I'll do what I can.