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Search results

  1. New Epson printer

    ohhh. How goes this compare to the GS6000?
  2. Hard Drive Prices - Suggestions?

    Amazon or NewEgg. Prices have done down a bit.
  3. Recent UPS delivery problems.

    Fedex is better at shipping express. 1,2,3 day. UPS is better at shipping Ground. They both damage packages. UPS seems to "loose" more packages. Fedex has a much better claims system and insures $100 on every package if it's their fault, even if you don't insure it. UPS claims is a nightmare...
  4. Another 'Sign Shop' just offered to let me buy him out.

    Complicated: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_valuation Generally Speaking it's profits that set your Business value.
  5. Die cut on FC7000?

    use the perf cut line type, and add more pressure.
  6. 2 identical flatbed presses - same media profiles?

    Did you check to make sure they are on the same firmware version? They have changed the motherboard and a bit on the most resent ones, you might want to check to make sure that both are the same and get hp to change the one that is not. HP is good but you have to push them.
  7. Buying a new printer looking for input.

    Mimaki Jv33, Epson GS6000, HP Latex or a Roland and you should be happy. Highly recommend you go to a show before purchasing.
  8. buying a new flatbed

    Nitrogen? What does it use Nitrogen for? $750 is way too steep. Getting into FB7500 territory.
  9. buying a new flatbed

    For those of you who haven't seen it. Vutek has a new LED UV. http://w3.efi.com/vutek/Products/GS3250LX
  10. Eye One

    Eye One Still
  11. Anyone attempted to move a flatbed after initial install?

    We've moved out FB700 (The new FB950) from one side of the building to the other, non issue, just put the rollers back on and re-level it. We've talked to the techs about moving it before and they said if its not far should be fine. They recommended installing the head lock. If you don't use...
  12. Dice

    We did go with Esko for a bunch of different reasons. When it came down to it there are...

    We did go with Esko for a bunch of different reasons. When it came down to it there are strengths and weaknesses to both, on g3 vs xp. If your going XL they are extremely close, I might lean toward zund a little more. Make sure you get your reps to complete.
  13. WTF? ...is this really a National holiday ..TODAY?

    Don't apologize for working hard. Many agree that rough times are ahead. It's better to be ahead of the game than behind.
  14. WTF? ...is this really a National holiday ..TODAY?

    I just wanted to remind everyone that did not want to relax this holiday season to work on your business, not for your business. If you are working 100+ hours a week that is fine, but with the slowness of the holidays you can take some time and plan out for the new year. What are you going to...
  15. printing - amount of passes

    No clear cut answer for you on that, lots of factors, the main one being the rip and profile your using. Generally speaking: Number of Passes, especially on the Mimaki is all about speed and quality. Greater the # of Passes the higher your quality mostly due to less banding. Increasing your...
  16. HP FB700 Purchase

    Few details on the FB700. - It's difficult to print thin sheet materials like posterboard and sentra. You can do it, but the alignment bar doesn't go all the way down on the belt causing thin materials to slip under it. - It has issues printing and sending files to it at the same time...
  17. Kongsberg XP vs Zund G3

    We are looking at either a Kongsberg i-XP24 or a Zund G3. The i-XP is Newer than the XL model and they claim it's 2x the speed of the Zund G3. It has a Direct Drive system instead of the Zund G# which is belt drive. Esko claims the Kongsbergs are made of all steel innards where the Zund...
  18. Plotter Recommendation

    Everyone always talks about Summa being the best and Graphtecbeing second best, but no one mentions that Summas are 2x the cost of a Graphtec. On a Budget, get a Graphtec. Have money to burn, get a Summa T-Series.
  19. 20-20 inks experiences?

    We had issues with White + Triangle inks, is anyone printing White + 20/20?
  20. Summa F Series

    I'm scratching my head why anyone would buy one of these. It's so small. 63" x 47"? I talked to the techs and looked at one when it was in development and even the techs didn't understand the small size. Can't cut a 4 x 8 sheet, and want 80k for the thing?