I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes.
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This issue has always fascinated me. Not showing up for an interview is beyond me. The Lower the skill set on the job the more people don't show up for the interview.
Now I did work once in a shady part of Boston, and we routinely would have people turn around and leave right before the...
I saw a Paul JR. BBQ grill at home depot last week. Thats what kicked this off.
JV33. It's only coming in 220s, so I would expect it to have the same issues that white has.
Is anyone actually Selling prints with Silver on the new Rolands?
Send them an invoice at least, that Costs you nothing. Tell them you'll put them on the Collection Plate Payment Plan. You'll be there every Sunday to get your share.
Ok 2 things.
1) This is not copyright it's theft of services. Take it to local small claims as such. Is it worth your time? You'll have to decide that. Maybe use it as a learning experience because it will happen to you again if you let artwork leave with out payment.
2) To sue someone for...
download and install firefox or chrome use those and see if that fixes your problem.
If your using IE it's possible its been corrupted by a virus or spamware.
I would suggest making sure your Windows 7 is up to...
You will need RasterLink 5 to run on windows 7. If you have a serial key then you can download it from their site and install it. If you have a dongle or the bundle version your out of luck. You'll have to use version 4 on an XP machine.
Charles make sure you research hard on the Ion. I've heard nightmare story's of the machine breaking down and the inks not sticking. I've also heard stories of their owners loving them as well. It's probably the cheapest flatbed out there so it has that going for it.
JFX is a Great flatbed it's...
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