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Search results

  1. Looking for a web host...

    WebHost4Life or HostGator Godaddy is ok, but you'll be sharing your site with 1000's of other websites.
  2. Customers doing it themselves.

    Mosh are their any other large companies around that you work some magic on and fill that production hole.
  3. So it's been a while...Economy check?

    We were having record months up until 3 weeks ago when a massive wave of slow hit. Now things are picking up again.
  4. Customers doing it themselves.

    Man that sucks. When people ask what printers we use we always say "Big ones"
  5. Opinions on possible purchase

    Here is the Deal, I'm not sure if its expired or not. No Monitor. http://www.techbargains.com/news_displayItem.cfm/212321
  6. Opinions on possible purchase

    That is a good deal for $304. X2's are pretty old these days. I just picked up a new Rip Machine The New 6 Core AMD from Dell. 4 gigs of ddr 3 Fast GPU and 750gig drive all for $689. Upgraded the ram to 8 gigs from newegg for another $100. It Smokes.
  7. finaly changed the capping station today

    Just replaced the capping station on our JV33 after 2 years. 1 edge of the station seemed to have expanded a bit creating space, not getting a good seal around the head. Same issue as chip roller, no ink was draining on an ink fill or cleans. I had to reach around under and press the capping...
  8. Designjet 500 ok for outdoor printing?

    AQ inks are for Indoor use. If you plan on printing anything AQ for outdoor use you will need to laminate first. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inkjet_printer I'm not sure on the 500, but the 5500 has an internal Rip and a webserver so you can send files to it directly with out the need of...
  9. Onyx X10

    I'm been reading on it, apparently there is a new process for profiling, specifically they have automated the ink limits somehow. Will probably take a few patches for them to work out the bugs.
  10. Your First Sign.

    Your first Paid Sign, do you remember it?
  11. Microsoft Publisher file

    Latest Publisher allows you to save as a PDF.
  12. Blowing your own Insulation

    Sorry Gino, I don't get it. Also the new insulation is not fiberglass, it's something else.
  13. Blowing your own Insulation

    Need to blow some Insulation in my Attic, has anyone does this themselves? It looks not to bad, buy 10 bags from HomeDepot and you get the blower for free for a day. Any tips?
  14. People who are jealous of you

    On the flip side, one of my old Bosses bought a new Ferrari drove it for a month then decided he wanted a Lambo, drove that for a month, then decided he would keep both. Spent money like crazy and bragged about it. He is now bankrupt running from the government on tax evasion.
  15. People who are jealous of you

    Friend of mine runs a 9 million dollar business, makes about 400-500k a year. Bought a 400k house for himself, then built 4 houses around him each for one of his kids, each over 300k. All paid for in Cash. He drives an old beat up truck to work each day. I asked him once why he drives such a...
  16. If you were starting over, what would you do/buy?

    RM make sure that in 6 months to 1 year your not on here selling your brand new equipment. Many so called signshops go and buy the equipment thinking the work just rolls in after that point. As others have stated you need a plan, a business and marketing plan. How will you obtain clients and...
  17. Mimaki Get Off your A--.

    ok who hijacked my love story.
  18. Mimaki or Roland

    Make sure you look at the Epson Gs6000 before committing. All Three are great printers, Jv33, GS and the Rolands.
  19. Mimaki Get Off your A--.

    Mimaki a Love Story. 2 years ago I fell in love with you. You were fast, sexy and had all the right curves. You could run circles around your competitors producing color that they could only dream of. You didn't break the bank like a Roland and put out on a regular basis. Your Solid and a Hard...
  20. Where do you buy from

    Ya I think Grimco is 3m's preferred distributor. They are a good supplier.