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Search results

  1. New RIP machine....Windows 7????

    Onyx 7.3.2 on Windows 7 works well.
  2. dsl or cable?

    Host your email with someone besides your ISP (cable or DSL provider) this allows you more flexibility if you want to switch services in a couple of years (which you will) I find more ease of use with the cable, but opinions vary...there will soon be more types of ISP's coming with the advent of...
  3. Need some help with Onyx

    ProductionHouse is probably the package for you, but you could get by with RipCenter
  4. Mimaki JV3-Half of magenta not printing

    Perform a "Disway Wash" see if your caps and pumps are working properly by putting an eyedropper of cleaning solvent in them while the Disway Wash is running. If the solvent does not drain properly through the cap then you either have a bad pump (tubing) or clogged cap. If you need it I can...
  5. Pantone Question

    A good explanation http://rwillustrator.blogspot.com/2007/01/c-vs-cvc-battle-of-pantone-proportions.html also, if you have an actual pantone book you will make your life a lot easier.
  6. Pump lines clogging

    +1 I'd also suspect the pumps are not as effective as they used to be.
  7. Anyone using Eleven Ten Color Inks?

    ? that company is no longer in business, but I heard a rumor that they were purchased by Grimco now called 20/20?
  8. off gassing large wraps!

    I have to respectfully disagree. I have run into several instances where "dry to the touch" is not completely outgassed and has caused significant finishing problems.
  9. Wall Covering Material Vinyl PS

    Has anyone tried PhotoTex or other wall material for the HP Latex? Just wondering if it can handle that material.
  10. Replacement for Mimaki JV3-160SP?

    I do really like the HP L25500 60". I have been a big fan of the Epson GS6000 also. I have been debating getting a newer machine for a long time and for me it has come down to these two machines. Here's how I compare the two: Epson GS6000 Excellent image quality using dual head with 3.4 (or so)...
  11. Have to go get a cat scan today!!! :(

    Good Luck......and I wish little pain for you.
  12. off gassing large wraps!

    Although true, not the point of this post. IMHO outgassing is more important the more solvent you put into the media....some heaver solvents can tatoo the vehicle paint underneath if the wrap is not properly outgassed.
  13. Looking to buy Printer/Cutter..Suggestions

    A good suggestion, but are you sure you even need a solvent printer? What kind of printing will you be doing? If it is indoor display graphics then aqueous is best (better image quality and the inks sit well for long periods) My personal feeling for outdoor durable is dont have a printer and...
  14. Waterproof books

    I have printed on tyvek for US Military Maps.
  15. Printer resolution?

    Here's a nice way to get around all of the BS companies fling about resolution. Look at picoliter drop size of the printhead. That will give you the info you need to understand the capabilities of a given machine. 40-30 picoliter is grand format UV and solvent machines of the 2000-2005 era (very...
  16. Ink Empty - no warning!

    It is generally caused by the flag not sticking out of the cartridge telling the machine it is out of ink. Usually a fault of a defective cartridge.
  17. United States, North Carolina - Hendersonville

    Signs 101 Network RegistryIn what country are you located? United States In what state or province are you located? North Carolina In what city or town are you located? Hendersonville What large city is nearest you? Asheville Check all items that apply to your listingLocal Networking
  18. L65500 Media

    Very interesting. I wonder if this is the case with other liquid lam. Does this happen with UV curable printed images as well?
  19. Hp 5500ps

    If it were me I would go with a used Epson aqueous printer. The larger color gamut and better print quality will keep your clients happy. I think the HP5500 is a workhorse though.....
  20. L65500 Printer

    good info, Thanks Any particularly good medias you'd like to share?