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Search results

  1. Rarely seen...............................

    A 10 x 15-foot wooden shed where the “Harley-Davidson Motor Company” started out in 1903 Testing football helmets in 1912 Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr [Muhammad Ali’s] fists after the fight with Cooper, 1963
  2. Retiree Mental Fitness Evaluation.......................

    Retiree Mental Fitness Evaluation This test is to ascertain your mental state now. If you get one right you are doing ok, if you get none right you better go for counseling. (I'll meet you there.) There are 4 test questions. Don’t miss one. Giraffe Test 1. How do you put a giraffe...
  3. A tip to remember...................................

    This little scenario, just took place about 10 minutes ago. It took me that long to stop laughing so I could write. When making magnetic signs for customers, we generally make sure of the size or ask the customer to make sure the size will fit the vehicle without going over any body molding...
  4. Ahhhhh.... where'd he go now...................... ??

    Over the years, this has happened a few times, but it just happened about a week ago to me, again. Has this happened to any of you, and if so, how do you handle such things ?? Had a long time customer [about 28 years] who has gotten things from banners to trucks lettered to site signs and...
  5. Might wanna look and see..................................

    I know there's another thread going on about hand painters, but rather then louse that one up, I thought I'd try my own thread. Well, as many of you have claimed I have not posted work, so we’ll start here. This is something I hand painted about a week ago and then finished off the seals and...
  6. Passing through and wanted to say.................................

    Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers out there........ :pops_blinking: Have a great weekend.... you deserve it !!
  7. Missing thread....................

    Ummmmmm........ I hate it when someone says this all the time, but it actually fits here. Ummmm, I was looking at a thread just a few minutes ago and was writing a response, When I tried to post it, it said I couldn't do so. I know it was out here in the peanut gallery and not at all hidden...
  8. What do you think it takes............................

    To properly clean a full sized average van for a complete wrap ?? Bumper to bumper, in the cracks, jambs, under the fenders, grills, mirrors, under the hood, and anything else I forgot to mention. How long to clean the dirt and then prep it to accept the laminated vinyl ?? Hour-wise..... not...
  9. Hope this is the right category..........................

    Well, our company has some company policies in effect and one of the many, pertains to subs and other contractors must use and supply their own tools and we don't loan tools out to customers for various reasons. However, I just had one and I had an answer, but the person didn't like it. We...
  10. Yowsa............ that's a long time.............

    NO SEX SINCE 1955 A crusty old Marine Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. "Excuse me, Sergeant, but you seem...
  11. Hey y'all.......................................

  12. Just an idea of an approach would help...........................

    Gave two quotes to a customer on doing a complete wrap on a trailer or a partial wrap. He showed me pictures of the trailer with his artwork on it. We discussed the the two possibilities and he just e-mailed me.... as I had told him without seeing the trailer, I'm going on his word that it's...
  13. Hmmmmm............ question for how things are run ??

    I don't use it, but have gotten some PM's that have been quite entertaining. I'm kinda enjoying them, but the other party doesn't seem to be having the same fun back. Always hostile, regardless of what we're talking about. It's usually all about the other party and his/her mental and physical...
  14. How long did you say this was................................. ??

    Had a guy stop in two weeks ago. He's the building manager at a place where we maintain and do all the building signs. They get new tenants from time to time and to save money, they bring the panels into us and then put them back up after we clean and re-apply the new names. Well, we re-did...
  15. Here we go again........................

    Okay, so I was reading through another thread where someone thought they had a funny joke, as they put it. Here's one from me.......... Golf Panties.... The Swede's wife steps up to the tee and, as she bends over to place her ball, a gust of wind blows her skirt up and reveals her lack of...
  16. Well, this is most definitely a first...............................

    I hope I explain this correctly as I don't think I've ever heard of this happening to anyone before, but in today's world..... I can see it happening more and more. Took on a new customer last Autumn. Did a trailer and a van for them. Worked closely with them on getting their design the way...
  17. It's not really that bad..............................

    Harry was sitting on the plane waiting to fly to Detroit, when a guy took the seat beside him. The guy was an emotional wreck, pale, hands shaking, moaning in fear...
  18. They never cease to amaze me......................................

    Well, we all talk about those projects, we'd never show to anyone. Here ya go. This is what happens when the customer supplies her own artwork and insists on having it made.... even after getting the proof, which I thought would deter her from doing it. She brought two pictures in of her...