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Not sure if I'm in the correct category, but looks good to me.
We have Gerber Graphix Advantage 4.3. We use[d] it for cutting only to a 15” and 30” Gerber plotters. About a year ago our computer died and we put the software into our newer computer and found out it wouldn’t work and...
Hi Folks………
As some of you have noticed, and even PM-ed me about.... my avatar is sporting the Merchant Member title. After determining the value of the new direction this site has taken, our shop has decided to become a Merchant Member here at :signs101:. We will be filling a little niche, as...
<o:p> </o:p>
I’m still using CS-2 on my computer and after a few minutes of having the program downsized….. when I bring it back up… all the working windows are situated in the middle of the screen on top of one another. I can’t find in preferences or wherever to keep this from happening...
I have, or should say…. HAD an external hard drive, Western Digital. A week or so ago, I plugged the wrong cord into it and evidently fried a board inside. I had it checked out and the hard drive is apparently still Okay, but I we can’t access it without the proper board. This is not a...
Is anyone else experiencing any issues with the new Roland VersaWorks updates from last week ??Ours seems to not be ripping correctly, stopping the print before it's complete, but cutting the entire project afterwards.
Anyone know this font.
I really only need the numbers and a few letters.
We've looked quite a bit and can't find anything close. Thought it was 'Wichita Bold'........wrong...........
This is a Gerber 750 H/S plus plotter. The large drum is actually getting soft and gooey... suddenly.
The first picture shows how the knife is just cutting the drum apart at the starting spot.
The next picture shows how after touching the drum with my fingers... it left impressions on it.The...
Fellers has selected the Mutoh ValueJet 1604 64" as the one printer we will offer.
Just got the e-mail from them. This will probably be one heck of a deal since this is their first go at printers. I'll bet they will be offering all kinds of freebies and stuff.
I've never heard of the font.... Formata. We have a customer that is using it quite widespread throughout their banners. It's rather good looking, but we don't have it. We looked into purchasing it and it costs over $350. That's way more than I can add into this job without it being noticed...
We have a HS750+ sprocket fed Gerber plotter/cutter. Yesterday it would stop sporadically on various jobs. We found the drum would not turn forward. Almost as if it were jammed. Reverse…. Yes… and X axis fine. We would go in reverse and it would go forever [so it seemed], but seemed to stop...
We were just discussing in our shop today about getting a file ready to print to our 540 VersaCamm [We’re using VersaWorks, Illustrator, Photoshop and Flexi 8]. The others are telling me, there is no way to send a file to rip directly from Illustrator with a ContourCut line if there is a...
Have a little bit of a dilemma here…
Up until about a year ago we were using as one of our cutting programs Gerber Graphics Advantage 4.3. Last February we upgraded all of our computers. Since we used Gerber the least, it was on a back burner to have up and running right away. After we...
We have a 750 H/S plus plotter.
The knife seems to be cutting on ever so slight of an angle. The key for lining up the blade has turned a little [I guess from years of use]. I know there is some sort of code to punch into the key pad that allows this key to line up properly again. It’s...
I’m not sure if this is the correct topic, but it’s as close as I can figure.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
As stated in another thread, in our shop, we use ANAgraph [ANA], along with many other programs to produce signs.
Again, hi everyone…
I’ve heard of this site, but didn’t join until a friend told me more about it. So far it looks like a great place to find and share knowledge.
Been in the trade since the late 60’s, but still learning a lot.
Wall-doggin’ and paint under the fingernails are now behind...
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