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Search results

  1. How to strip emulsion?

    I suspect the problem may be that the emulsion is so old. When we first started screen printing it was almost impossible to remove emulsion from the screens that came with our equipment (been coated for years). I can totally reclaim a large fresh screen in 7 minutes (including removing ink and...
  2. Employee price error...What would you do?

    Quite a few years ago I had an employee to screw up a BUNCH of jobs her first week. I was so excited about her screwing them up because the fact that she was screwing up jobs ment that she was taking the initition to attempt to do jobs on her own and without supervision. Most people we...
  3. What Does This Mean?

    bob is correct. 20m would mean 20,000 In offset printing we always use "m" to denote thousand.
  4. If your not growing, your dying.

    I really don't think the saying is correct. 1) I have seen a heck of a lot of businesses grow like crazy and then go out of business. 2) I have seen others that have remained a mom and pop shop for decades - with mom and pop eventually retiring moderately well off. 3) I HIGHLY suspect...
  5. If your not growing, your dying.

    Almost exactly my thoughts.
  6. If your not growing, your dying.

    I've read the book twice, it seems like it was written about my business. After reading it I saw all the traps that I have fallen into. Unfortunately, although that book can make us more aware of our mistakes and business cycles, it does very little to enlighten us on how to avoid those issues.
  7. This customer introduced himself as...

    "the guy who comes in every three months and wastes your time and never orders anything". Really. This morning this guy comes in and letterally word for word tells me that. Lots of times I think that to myself, but this is the first time ever a customer has directly called himself that. So...
  8. Adwords: Money for nothing or works?

    A few years ago we developed a site just for internet sales (screenprinting). We spent thousands on adwords and had a lot of clicks. Only a very small percent of clicks turned into jobs, many of the customers were just tire kickers, and a lot of them were total lunitics. We did get a few...
  9. Warranties from Businesses that went under...

    I think it would become a civil matter, but if the biz has disapeard, who ya gunna sue?
  10. how is business so far this year

    In Jan office was booming, screen printing was DEAD, cut vinyl was dead, wide format digital was busy, and a fair month for advertising specialties. Overall, a very solid month due to some big offset orders. Gross sales about 30% above what we projected (we do sales projections for a year in...
  11. Got a really fun job, but how do I do it? Print on anodized aluminum?

    Most any air dry sign ink will work, it is really not that big of a deal. We used to print on control boxes, but they always had an oily coating on them that we would have to remove first with screen opener. We would them spray the boxes with wd-40 to emulate the origional coating. You...
  12. so caled customer screwing me around

    Heck, if you can get more than what was owed out of the watch, I would keep billing the guy and claim that he never gave you the watch (just to screw with him). Or you could charge him 10% interest a month for pawn fees just like the pawnshop would.
  13. customers

    Hmm, I wonder if in a few years young people really are going to think that BC stands for "before computers".
  14. Please help me to help someone else...

    Marlene, thats a good point and a good question. Maybe you could "become a fan" vote, and then unbecome a fan.
  15. Please help me to help someone else...

    It's true, and they went up on my Chase credit cards to 30% interest, and probably gave their top executives millions in bonuses. They also just announced that they are going to give a million bucks to Haite. They are not only screwing the tax payer, they are also screwing their shareholders...
  16. Please help me to help someone else...

    OK, I know this is off topic, but I am a regular poster on this forum so please cut me some slack and help me out... Chase bank is giving away big buck to charity, to be determined by how many people vote for each charity. This costs you nothing, takes less than 30 seconds, but will help these...
  17. Did I make any money?

    Exactly. If one is only earning a typical wage for what one does, he/she aint making no profit.
  18. Wholesale Decals

    Our gov is printing up money and some really big banks, insurance companies, and auto companies apparently had no issue with that. I'm just saying.
  19. how to price efficiently?

    Thats why you need to charge by the square foot for printing and not by the hour. I typically have set fees for every thing we do, and when evaluating those fees, we do look at how long each task takes just to double check that we are actually being paid enough for our time. Typically I...
  20. how to price efficiently?

    A nice round per squar foot charge regardless of material with no setup or minimim or art or base fee is nice and efficent. Like $1 per sq ft or $10 per sq ft. That what your customers want to hear anyway. But in reality, it has to be a little more complicated. You need to have a base...