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Search results

  1. Surgery Cancelled $$$$$$

    So your saying that he wants you to pay for the deductable up front? Do you have a $2,000 deductable? I think I would shop around some more for a different hospital, my wife has never had that problem (when we couldn't pay we paid what we could pay and made payments on the rest).
  2. Wow, 1 year ago...

    One Year Ago... Me and my wife had our 20th anniversery. It is amazing how getting divorced has seemed to improve so many peoples lives. I am very happy now, but it would be great to be even happier. You guys have talked me into a divorce. I just hope my wife dont get pissed off at y'all...
  3. 'Green' Marketing

    Surely you are joking. That website give me a good idea. I will go into competition with them. I can print up a bunch of "carbon credit" certificates and sell them (at a discount of course). It will make a heck of a lot of people feel really good about themselves when I take their money...
  4. 'Green' Marketing

    It probably takes more fuel and resources to ship the banners to HP than what is conserved. I very much believe in capitalism, and I believe that the least expensive option is usually the most enviromentally friendly. If tossing something in the trash is cheaper than recycling it, then...
  5. Thinking about a storefront. Any thoughts, suggestions?

    That is great logic, there is nothing wrong with it, but still, I would not advise it. We did something similar: 21 years ago we started in our house, we did move into a 500 sf storefront, but had outgrown it in less than a year. We moved to a 1250 sf space, out grew it in another year and...
  6. Here's a "What would you do?" for you...

    Truthfully, it really doesn't matter. It's not like anyone is going to see a car mag or a tee and send him a snail mail letter from the address printed on it. Even if they did, it is highly likely that the post office may see the mistake and just put it in the correct box, or that the the...
  7. Ice Cream Truck Business Cards

    I like it. The last time I had somone wanting to wrap a van it was for ice cream and cigerretts. Is that combination even legal?
  8. Whats the best way to ask for..

    Last week I went through all of that, explained what a vector file was, the customers eyes just glazed over. They guy kept telling me that he can "make it any size" bla bla bla and sent me about 3 or 4 jpgs in different sizes (size was not ever a issue with the job). I asked him if he could...
  9. Thinking about a storefront. Any thoughts, suggestions?

    I assume that you want to move out of your house inorder to attract more customers. If your plan works, then 500 sf probably won't be nearly enough space - so it is kind of self defeating.
  10. Pet peeves anyone?

    People who think they know it all really piss off people like me who really do know it all.
  11. Pet peeves anyone?

    We have the same problem with customers using cell phones in our shop. I probably loose at least an hour a week just standing there while customers chit chat on their phone. Personally, I rarely even know where my cell is. My wife works with me and she always has her phone handy so I really...
  12. What to do over a long weekend

    Hee Hee Ha Ha. Actually, my first impression of the origional post was "what to do with your printer (printer as in an employee)". I certainly wouldn't take either of them on my vacation!
  13. Shane Durnfords new site is up. Prepare to be humbled....big time.

    Shane, I dont think that a site is ever complete. You keep working on it, making little improvements here and there, adding content and maybe even functionality. It's not like a sign or a meal.
  14. What to do over a long weekend

    I assume that sooner or later I am going to have a need for them. Obviously you use them - when, how often and why? Am I missing something? Do you guys have a ink drying out problem?
  15. What to do over a long weekend

    Daily cleaning? Seriously, am I missing something? I just turn mine on, print some stuff and turn it back off. I have never even considered any type of daily (or weekly or annually) cleaning regement. We we first bought our Mutoh it was recommended to us to purchase a cleaning cartrige, so...
  16. What to do over a long weekend

    I don't understand. Are you supposed to do something special? At first I thought the question was a joke. We have had ours for two years, but I guess we have never gone longer than a couple of days without using it. I never considered that it would be an issue at all. Typically when I...
  17. So I'm a Traitor

    Years ago we purchased two iMacs, one was setup as a customer self service design station (along with a couple of PC's), the other we kept behind the counter to open mac documents to output. We eventually decided that the "do it yourself" computer stations were a bad idea - we would sometimes...
  18. Copyright - What can I do?

    I noticed on the above linked thread that someone asked if the enforcement was based on a complaint. Based on what I have heard through grapevine, the inforcement may be paid off by NASCAR to sieze competitiors legal stuff. Bristol also happened to be one of the locations that my customer had...
  19. Copyright - What can I do?

    We used to have a customer who sold generic design tshirts near NASCAR events. Several times he had his shirts siezed as counterfits even though they never had a specific copywrited emblem or logo. They claimed that the checkered flag was a trademark of NASCAR. They guy ALWAYS got his...