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Search results

  1. Does anyone have any experience with Learn2PaintSigns.com?

    I appreciate everyone's advice. I would love to spend a day with an experienced sign painter, I just haven't been able to find one near me. As far as why I want to learn how to do this, there are really a number of reasons I guess. I started my business with intentions to pretty much only do...
  2. Does anyone have any experience with Learn2PaintSigns.com?

    http://www.learn2paintsigns.com/ I found this website, it seems like they have a pretty neat program for sale on cd. Has anyone ordered from them? I've been working on my hand lettering skills and this looked like a good way to get some pointers.
  3. Edge acting up again...

    When I send a job to the Edge, I can go to devices and printers and a new printer listed as "USB002 printer" pops up and that is where the job that was supposed to go to the Edge ends up. What does that mean?
  4. Edge acting up again...

    "Thing" referred to everything, but yes most likely starting with the Edge. I hooked my new $100 cable up tonight and guess what, back to not printing again! So I said ok no big deal I'll go back to the old cable. Yep still not printing. It's just been one of those weeks.
  5. Edge acting up again...

    Two jobs down and still printing great! Thank you all for the help, I was about 2 minutes away from smashing this thing with a sledgehammer!
  6. Edge acting up again...

    Switching ports fixed it... literally 30 seconds after I bought a Gerber cable for $130. Happy Friday to me! Oh and oddly enough I plugged my wireless mouse into the old port that I was using, and it works just fine.
  7. Edge acting up again...

    Ok disregard that last question, I found it. It is set to send now. I am also thinking it is a software issue. I am using an aftermarket USB to parallel cable, but it has worked fine for hundreds of jobs. Maybe I'll just go ahead and buy the Gerber cable and see what happens, worst case I'll...
  8. Edge acting up again...

    It is set to delete the jobs after they print, but where to I go to find the send now or hold in list? I know I've seen it before but I can't find it now...
  9. Edge acting up again...

    Nothing has damaged the cord and it is connected correctly, so I don't see any reason that it would be causing the problem unless something internal is damaged. The Edge doesn't show anything when I send a file to it. But if I put it online and offline and reset it multiple times, sometimes it...
  10. Edge acting up again...

    I am using a USB adapter. Flexi operates similarly to Omega, when I send a job to print or cut it opens up a program called Production Manager that shows everything. When I send the file it goes to Production Manager, shows it "processing", then "RIPing", then "printing" for split second, then...
  11. Edge acting up again...

    Both have been powered down, unplugged, and restarted. Actually they sat for a day or two unplugged and unhooked from each other, but still the same issue today. The last time it did something like this I had to go in and uninstall the drivers and then re-install everything. That was a...
  12. Edge acting up again...

    After several months of trouble free operation, the Edge is broke down again. I ran several jobs through it a few days ago, then turned it off. An hour or so later I realized I had one more job to do, so I turned it back on and sent the job to the printer- nothing. When I click print in Flexi I...
  13. Calling in reinforcements on this one...

    Thank you for the quick reply!!!
  14. Calling in reinforcements on this one...

    I have no matches on this. Help please!
  15. Branding concept for Distillery

    I like this idea. The bull would look great in the background, maybe distressed or something. I would definitely take it out of the skyline though, it looks out of place there.
  16. Branding concept for Distillery

    I'm nowhere near as good at typography or graphic design as some of the people on here, but I need a break from the 45 identical fire department tags I'm making, so I guess I'll throw in my $.02. I think your layout is off to a good start, but I don't like the fonts. Alegrian is used way too...
  17. Happy Thanksgiving from the other best job in the world!

    I may not be at the best job in the world making signs today, but I get to spend Thanksgiving with my second family at the other best job in the world! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  18. 15" Small Engine Turned Gold?

    I use the 1/4" turn for most car tags. I've been meaning to call and talk with Leo's Gold Lion anyways so I'll go ahead and check with them today.
  19. New Dude from Cali

    Welcome from North Carolina, where it is definitely not 75 degrees!
  20. 15" Small Engine Turned Gold?

    That's some great information, thanks for sharing. I haven't been lucky enough to have an experienced person locally to watch and learn from, so I've had to resort to books and trial and error, but mostly error. I was actually about to order some Kaolin from Letterhead, but I will try the egg...